Chapter 11

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Amanda's POV

"Mark! Help me!"

Luckily it was only Mark. Thank God he run up.

"What the hell is going on?" He said breathlessly.

"She wouldn't wake up." I whispered, afraid that if I spoke it loudly, it would become real.

I was too stressed out to talk, but then it crossed my mind-What if he saw something... I gazed at him, and he stood there frozen.

"How long have you been here for?" I uttered, squinting my eyes suspiciously.

"I was behind the corner, when I heard you yelling. I came here and saw you and this woman.."

He didn't seem convincing. But I had no time to think about what he might had seen. I'll handle with him later. I had to focus on Marine, for now.

I haul her up by her arms and ordered Mark to do the same with her legs, so we can carry her somewhere where we could get help.

"What happened?" He asked, while walking and holding Marine.

It was the first he was looking at me, eye to eye. I should be aware of how much my skin was showing.

"I can't talk right now... She's too heavy." I made an excuse so I could came up with the lie to tell him about Marine and I.

I could tell him that we were swimming, but it's not even 6 a.m. The sun was just rising, who could go swimming that early and in the middle of nowhere. But speaking of that... What was he doing here?

"What are you doing here, by the way?"

"Um.. You know me... I was jogging." He averted his eye.

Still not convincing. He was hiding something.

Suddenly Marine jerked and spit the water out, distracting me from my suspicious thoughts.

"Marine!" I yelled still holding her, but Mark dropped her legs and got closer to her.

"Are you okay?" He seemed scared.

But Marine, didn't respond. She looked around with her eyes rolling, like she's going to faint again at this moment. Then she turned to me and said:

"I still don't get it... Why all of this has anything to do with me..."

"What she's talking about?"

I gave Mark a gloomy look, then looked back at Marine.

"Mark'll take you to hospital... After that... you will never see me again."

I whispered the last part and got up. She widened and took me by hand.

"No! You can't just leave me."

"You're in good hands, Marine. If someone asks, you were swimming by yourself, when you drowned. Luckily, Mark was at the right time in the right place."

I gave him a meaningful look to realize I'm not buying his jogging story. Then I turned around and started walking back, in cave's direction.

"Amanda! Where are you going?" Mark yelled behind me.

I turned around one last time to see Marine standing with her teary sea-blue eyes.

One tear fell but I immediately turned around so she couldn't see it. I had to say goodbye. I won't risk her life anymore.

It didn't take me long to come back at the "crime scene", but there was no one. I sat on a big rock and realized I had nothing. I've lost my phone, I was without my shirt... in wounds and scratches. What should I do? What to tell my mother?

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