Chapter 13

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Amanda's POV

"Okay... This is it. Speak!"

I said, going straight to the point.

"How's your friend?"

"Cut it, Korina!"

"Wow, someone's nervous."

"Well, I haven't told my parents that I'll be on the beach talking to the mermaid, so I'm kinda in a bit of a hurry."


She jumped in the water and swam a bit closer to me. She leaned her elbows to the sand and set her head against her hands, then started to talk with her weird accent that reminded a bit on French one.

"So... here's the thing. You'll probably die."

"What?!" I shouted as my eyes widened.

"Well I have no idea what's going on. This is not supposed to happen."

"This what?"

"You see... when mermaids find themselves into a dangerous situation, they do anything to transfer their life to another body."

"How's that possible?"

"They just touch another person. But not gently, more scratch than touch."

"Wait, is that why you hurt me?"

"You're quick to understand," She nodded, "maybe I underestimate you. So, I've been swimming to the coast every night to meet with my love one. Unfortunately, he was a human being, and our love was impossible in every way... But, we managed to comfort our emotions by just seeing each other.

I was selfish, and mean, but you should know that all the mermaids are. I have one thousand and more years, actually, I stopped counting. I've changed a lot of bodies, but my soul is always the same. This must be twentieth body I possessed. And for the mater of fact, it was my love one's girlfriend.

I hated her so much. She was always with him, for fifteen years. They were pure love. He didn't know that I existed of course. But I knew him, and he was so dreamy and charming. So, just a couple of days before their wedding, I've decided to change her life, I mean, their lives forever.

I allured her to come to the sea, and than I killed her. Not touched. Not scratched. Killed. And it felt amazing. My old mermaid body, the one before this one, that was so wrinkly and just... ugly, disappeared, and then the act has started.

Her boyfriend, or should I say, my boyfriend, was devastated when he saw a mermaid version of his love one. But he accepted it, thinking it was her, and not me.

That's why I've been coming to the beach of Lost Town, for a lot of years.

Until one day..."

I was listening carefully to this unbelievable story. I was a bit shocked and surprised. I mean, it's not easy to hear this. And she looked so evil. This was probably a devil version of the poor girl, I didn't know if she looked like this before, when she was a human.

"... it was high tide. I couldn't see where I was swimming and I ended up in that big hole. Far away from the world, from my town, my love. It was impossible to get out of it. Back then, at least it was full of water, now it's just a shallow pool.

Then, ebb tide arrived. Water was disappearing in all the ways, holes, everywhere and I was just standing in one place, stuck in the rocks. It wasn't fair! Life was not fair! I thought that was it. Luckily, I was still in the water, otherwise, I would have died long time ago.

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