Chapter 15

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Amanda's POV

"Mom, can we talk now before we go to sleep?"

"I think the best advice is found on the pillow."

Mother and I were sitting in the dinning room, and all the others were upstairs. Probably in our room.

"There's not much to it. I just want to apologize."

"It's not that I'm mad, Am... I mean, I am, but I'm mostly disappointed. You can't imagine what I've been through."

"I know, and I'm sorry for that. It's just, I haven't been feeling all right lately. That's why I need therapy center."

"It's okay. You're my daughter and of course I forgive you. Just don't do it again, please. No more lies."

I didn't respond immediately, because of the fact I am going to lie to her for the next couple of months (hopefully months). It's not that I can just tell her: 'Hey, I'll become mermaid.' She'd send me to madhouse.

"I promise." I said after a while and then we hugged.

It felt so needed and good.

"Okay, so let's get down to work now. When I returned from grocery shopping and your dad told me about it all, I've found 3 nearby."

"I'm listening..."

I got closer so I could see the options she was showing me on the computer screen.

"So you have North Sanatorium, it's twenty-minute ride from here, so we can come to visit. You'll be signed in in four days, what do you think?"

No way I'm going there! I don't want any visits nor I can wait for four days.

"Um, let's check the other ones." I recommended.

"Mountain's Gold is also near, you'd be signed in a day. Visits allowed."

"How about this one? Hills?"

"It's one hour ride. I could drop you off there, and you can be signed anytime."

"But they don't accept visitors. You see?"

"Oh, right. I didn't notice that. Okay, so this one is out."

"Um... actually."

I had to act it out and to come up with good reasons why I shouldn't choose the rest two.

"You see, the first one has bad rating. And look at it, like it's abandoned. I'm not gonna find peace in there."

"Well, that's true."

"And the second one..." think Amanda think! "It's nice, I guess."

God, I don't see anything bad with it.

"The second it is!"

"Let's see the details." I insisted as I scrolled down to see if I can find anything suspicious.

"Oh my God! The girl was murdered in there." mom whispered in shock.

"Wow! No way!"

"By a staff! I can't believe it!"

"I'm definitely not going there. I guess I should stick with the third choice."


"It's fine, I mean, I'll miss you all, but I'll be rest completely."

"If that's what you want. I'll send them the application. By the way, how do you feel today?"

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