Chapter Eighteen

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*Mitch’s POV*

It has been five days and still we have no trace of the Luna. This makes no sense. We have one of the best packs with the best trackers known in the United States. How come we can’t find any trails? There’s definitely something going on here.

“Mitch, stop your daydreaming and get back to work!” Reed grumbles from across the field.

I take one look at him and cringe. He looks like shit. His hair is all over the place, his eyes bloodshot with bags underneath them. His skin is a sickly gray color. I can’t imagine what he’s going through losing his mate like this. Ah, a mate. I wish I had a mate. I haven’t found mine yet.

I sigh and turn around, shifting into my wolf. Off to another day of searching for the Luna. If only we can find her.

*Reed’s POV*

I’ve been trying for days and days to contact my sweet Ella. But every time I try to talk to her through our pack link, it just echoes in my mind. I can’t help but to think the worst. What if she is dead? We aren’t mated yet so I wouldn’t feel the pain if she did. But wouldn’t I feel something? Our wolves are partially connected so I would’ve felt something...Well; I guess that’s a good thing then.

Seeing my beta fucking around is the last thing I want to see. He should be out looking for his Luna, not day dreaming. Sure, I’ve been hard on the Enforcers and trackers for the past couple of days, but its good training for them. If we go into war, they’ll know what it’s like to be exhausted and they’ll be prepared.

A russet colored wolf approaches me and I immediately can tell who it is; Eric. When he shifts back, I confirm it’s him. His mate, a chocolate shaded wolf, nudges herself against his side. He pats her head and gives me a weak smile.

“Do you think we’ll find her Reed?” he asks.

“We’ll find her if I have to die in the process. As long as she’s safe, I’m willing to sacrifice myself.”

Eric pauses and stares at me. “Wow,” is all he says.

“What?” I ask.

He smiles and walks over, pulling me in for a hug. Shocked, I awkwardly pat him on the back. When he pulls away, his eyes have tears in them.

“My opinion of you has completely changed. Ever since you’ve met my sister, you’ve matured and have become more respectful,” he says. “I couldn’t be happier to have you as a future brother in law and I trust that you and your pack will bring my sister home in one piece. Welcome to the family, Reed.”

I blink, still shocked. “Isn’t this something your father is supposed to be saying to me?”

“My father wouldn’t do shit. He’s too afraid of my bitchy mother to do anything. And knowing my mother, she’d try to push herself on you rather than congratulating Ella,” he says. “But that’s beside the point. I just wanted to welcome you to the family. Now I’m going to get back to searching for my sister.”

He shifted into his wolf and began to walk towards the wood line. Maia followed after.

“Eric?” I call after him.

He turns his head around over his shoulder to look at me.

“I’d be happy to have you as an Enforcer in my pack. Welcome to the family,” I tell him.

A wolfy grin appears on his face and he yips, jumping up in the air. Maia puts her head down to face the ground and slowly continues to walk away.

“Maia, don’t think I forgot about you. How could I forget my mate’s best friend? I would love to have you as a pack cook. Welcome to the family,” I say.

She grins and bounds into the woods with Eric. I smile and turn around, only to come face to face with my father.

“You’re turning out to be an amazing Alpha,” he speaks. “I’m really proud of you.”

“Thank you father,” I bow my head.

He chuckles and approaches me. He pats me on the back.

“I should be the one bowing my head to you, Reed. I am no longer Alpha. I am now just your father. It’s about time I start acting like one. And I’ll start by helping with the search for your Luna.”

“Thank you dad.”

“No need to thank me, son. I know what you’re going through right now. I, myself, lost your mother when I was about your age. And I brought her home after a long and tiresome war. The same needs to be done for your Luna. Do not give up. Continue the search and she will eventually be found. But be aware that when you find her, things may turn ugly.”

That being said, he shifts into his wolf and runs into the woods to join the others from my pack.

*Ella’s POV*

I awaken with intense pain radiating in my head. I can feel something sticky from my cheek to my neck.

“Ella? Oh, thank god Ella, you’re alright!” Deacon’s voice echoes through the room.

When I look up, he has a worried expression on his face. I sit up, wincing as the room starts spinning. I grab my head and look at him.

“Damn, what the hell did he hit me with?” I question.

“A crowbar…” he mumbles.

“What? God, these people are sick!” I exclaim. “Please tell me they didn’t bite me while I was out.”

“Well, they didn’t bite you, but they sort of…licked you.”

My eyes widen. “WHAT?” I scream.

“SHH! They’ll come back and do it again if you don’t stay quiet!”

“Sorry, but WHAT?” I whisper yell.

“The blood from the blow…uh…they kind of licked it off of you…”

“Then why do I still feel stickiness on my face?”

“Saliva. Duh.”

“Ew! Just…EWW!”

“Listen Ella, I’m really sorry that I couldn’t help you. I would’ve if I could’ve,” he murmurs.

“Don’t worry about it, Deacon. We’re both chained up. What are we supposed to do besides sit and twiddle our thumbs?”

“Try to get out of here,” he suggests.

“Haven’t you tried that for the past two weeks?” I ask.


“And how’s that going for you?”

His gaze drops to the ground. I sigh, feeling bad.

“I’m sorry; I’m just beginning to feel the anxiety as well. I just want to get out of here.”

“Me too Ella, me too.”


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