Chapter Seven

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*Ella's POV*

Saying that I am pissed would be an understatement. I am livid. How dare she put her hands on my mate like that? She has Parker! And Parker is such a nice guy! I'm not lying when I say that I'm going to tell him. In fact, I'm on my way to tell him right now. He doesn't deserve this.

I slam my fist against Parker's door, breaking it off its hinges with how angry I am.

"What the hell?" he exclaims, coming to the door. "What was that for Ella? This isn't our property. The school is going to charge me for this!"

I blush and look down at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I let my anger get the best of me," I say.

"What's got you so angry, Luna?" he asks, concern laced in his tone.

I smile a bit at how sweet he is. He's so dedicated to me although I'm not even Luna yet.

"Do you want me to be honest with you? You won't like it," I admit.

"Of course I want you to be honest with me. I want to know what's bothering my Luna," he says.

"Your mate is the one who has upset me."

He freezes for a second and then opens his mouth to respond. "What did Janie do to make you upset?"

"Like I said, you're not going to like it..."

"I need to know Luna."

"She was hitting on my mate and I walked in on her kissing him," I tell him.

His jaw clenches and unclenches along with his fists. Although it appears to be all anger, it is written in his eyes that he is hurt also. I give him a look of sympathy and he nods, silently thanking me and taking off down the hallway.

I look after him with a sad expression on my face. It's sad that he has to deal with something like this because he's such a good guy. I shake my head and head back to my dorm, falling asleep with thoughts of what the next 20 days are going to be like. I hope he can prove himself because it'll be really upsetting if he can't.

My alarm wakes me up with a start and I stare at it. Seriously? Already? I groan and hit it with my hand, flopping back down onto my pillow.

"Why did that alarm go off? It's the weekend!" Maia mumbles from her bed.

"No it's not. The weekend already passed. It's Monday," I say.

She groans and I laugh, dragging myself out of bed. I shower and dress, then grab my purse and books, heading to class. When I get there, I see a rose sitting on the desk in front of my usual spot with a note attached to it. I smile and sit down, carefully handling the note. Holding it up, I read.

Every day for the next 20 days, you will receive a flower in each of your classes. Today is roses. This rose represents my undying love for you, my beautiful mate. I will not see you today, as I am planning my next move. Have a wonderful day!


A full grin makes its way onto my face. He's so sweet! But he shouldn't be skipping class to do something for me! That's ridiculous! Wait a second, he's supposed to be doing this to gain my trust and love. So you know what? I don't care how much time out of school he takes. Taking time is showing me that he really does care enough to get me back.

"Who's the flower from, Luna?" I hear Parker's voice say from beside me.

"Oh, it's just from your A-" I stop talking when I see the state that he is in.

He has bags under his red eyes. It's obvious that he's been crying. His hair is all disheveled and his skin is pale.

"Parker, are you alright?" I question, placing my hand on his arm.

He nods. "Yeah, I guess. I'll be like this for a while until my body gets use to it. If I even get through this week," he says.

"What? Don't say that! You'll be fine! You'll make it through!"

"You don't understand, Luna. I broke the bond with Janie last night. It's very rare when it comes to mates, but I decided that it was the best thing to do for me and her. We fought for nearly two hours without a resolution. She still wants Reed. She doesn't want me any longer," he explains. "Breaking the bond puts a toll on both werewolves, but Janie doesn't seem to be suffering at all. I am however and I don't know if I'll make it through the week."

"Parker, you need to have faith. There are plenty of girls out there."

"Plenty of werewolf girls who will have mates."

"What about the ones who have lost their mates and survived?"

"I suppose..." he trails off.

"And there are always human girls," I try to cheer him up.

"I guess I can try, but I can't promise this will work," he says and sits down, facing the front as the teacher begins to teach the class.

I silently begin to pray to the Moon Goddess, asking her to spare Parker. He is such a good person and doesn't deserve to lose his life because of his horrible mate. Let's just see if my prayers are answered.


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