Chapter Twenty Nine

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*Mitch’s POV*

By nightfall, the war was still raging on. Our wolves had defeated the vampires, but the witches were the ones we were battling now. And they were putting up quite a fight. A wolf against a witch isn’t the best combination as they have more of an advantage. And we certainly don’t need to be losing more of the pack. Enough have been injured or killed.

“My tribe is growing weak,” the witch tribe leader on our side tells me. “The Ambrosine Tribe is too strong. We may not be able to defeat them.”

“What do you mean you might not be able to defeat them? That’s why we brought you here in the first place; to help us win the war!” I growl at her.

“There is one last thing we can attempt to do, but you and your wolves must retreat otherwise you will be killed,” she informs me.

“Will this last attempt work?”

“I cannot guarantee that it will work, but we will try.”

I nod and call for my pack through the pack link, Retreat! Follow me. We must leave immediately.

I see my pack turn to look at me and run into the woods. I can hear their paws pounding on the ground behind me. Once I am certain we are a safe enough distance away, I stop and they gather around me, asking hundreds of questions.

“Is the Alpha okay?”

“Why are we retreating?”

“Are we going back?”

“Is it time to go back to the pack house yet?”

Enough! I shout through the pack link and silence is all I hear. They are all bowing their heads to the ground whimpering. They had definitely felt my beta power.

The witches told me that they were not sure if they could defeat The Ambrosine Tribe. They were going to make one last attempt to defeat the tribe, but if we were present during that, we would have gotten injured or died. Do you all understand now?

There are nods of heads and I sigh in relief. Good, now that that’s done…

A gigantic explosion sound followed by a flash of light in the sky snaps me out of my thoughts. I take off running towards the open field where the house is. It is silent. Our ally witch tribe is lying in the ground in a circle. The Ambrosine Tribe witches are scattered around, clearly dead. I shift into my human form and put my finger to one of the necks of our witches. There is no pulse. I stand up and turn to face my pack.

“They are dead. They sacrificed themselves for victory. They killed themselves for us,” I state.

Their heads lift up and they howl at the moon in victory and happiness as well as thankfulness. If it weren’t for our ally witch tribe, we never would’ve made it through this war. I can’t believe they actually sacrificed themselves in order to save us. They hated us in the beginning. What happened? All I know is that I will forever be thankful and we will give them a proper burial on their land. Now to get back home to my mate.

“Back to the pack house!” I yell and my pack yips happily, turning back to the woods to head back home.

Taking one last look at the bodies on the ground, I smile and shift back into my wolf form, joining my pack.

*Ella’s POV*

My head snaps to the door as I hear the squeaking of a stretcher. Dr. Chase and some of his nurses are wheeling a gurney and IV bags into the pack infirmary. When I see who is lying on it, my heart stops. My mate. It’s him!

They roll the stretcher to the bed beside me and place him gently onto it. Dr. Chase pushes it closer to mine so that our beds are touching. I scoot over and grab Reed’s hand, looking up at the doctor for answers. He gives me a smile.

“Your mate is going to be fine,” he notifies me. “He lost a lot of blood, but we are still giving him it. As he gets more blood, his wolf will become stronger and he will begin healing like a normal werewolf does. Right now he is healing like a human. It will take another day or two for his body to rejuvenate back to regular werewolf healing.”

“Thank you for bringing my mate back to me Dr. Chase,” I say, tears coming to my eyes. I will forever be in debt to him and Mitch. If it weren’t for them, Reed would be dead.

“Ella, please stop with the tears!” a voice says from behind Dr. Chase.

He steps to the side to reveal Mitch. That’s when the dam breaks and I begin to sob. He grins widely and wraps me into a hug.

“Thank you!” I cry. “Thank you so much!”

“He’s my best friend, El. Do you really think I was just going to let him die?” he laughs.

“N-N-No, I-I don’t know!”

“Luna, please stop crying. I hate to see you cry.”

“What about your mate? Do you hate to see me cry?” another voice speaks up from beside me.

Mitch’s head snaps to Deacon who is staring at him with watery eyes as well. I watch as Mitch’s eyes begin to water along with his. He pulls away from me and approaches his mate. They then embrace tightly, making me smile. They are so cute.

“When they told Ella that Reed was dead, I thought for sure you were next,” Deacon explains.

“I would never leave you Deacon, especially after waiting so long to find you,” Mitch says.

They gaze in one another’s eyes for a moment before their faces begin to gravitate towards one another. When their lips touch, I squeal like a little girl. They immediately pull away and stare at me.

“Sorry! I’m just so happy for you two!” I giggle.

They laugh and then smile at one another.

“I wish Reed were awake so I could do that with him,” I pout.

“Do what?” a gruff voice asks.

My eyes widen and I look at Reed who is moving around, an expression of pain on his face. His eyes are open and he is looking at me, trying to seem tough.

“Baby, you’re okay!” I practically scream.

I begin planting kisses all over his face and hug him tightly.

“Easy, easy, I got the shit beat out of me!” he reminds me.

I gasp and let go of him. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!”

He chuckles and grabs me. “Come here,” he orders.

He pulls me gently into his chest and presses his lips to mine.

“I love you,” I breathe.

“Love you too,” he responds, kissing me again.


Lonely No More [Werewolf Romance]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant