Chapter Nineteen

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*Janie’s POV*

I enter the room undetected. She is speaking with the gay bastard we captured earlier. He may be gay, but damn does his blood taste good! And that’s all he is to us; food. And before Ella knows it, she’ll be the same. But with her, I may not be able to stop.

I laugh to myself thinking about it. If I kill Reed’s Luna, he’ll be rip shit. When an Alpha’s mate dies, he goes crazy. He’s out for blood. But most of the time, he only has tunnel vision for the person that killed his mate, which means he doesn’t see the others around him. He leaves himself vulnerable to death. And if Reed dies, I’ll be able to take over his land with Terrence. Maybe I will kill Ella after all…

“Having fun?” I speak up, getting Ella and Deacon’s attention.

Ella looks up and gives me what she considers to be a menacing look. I smirk at her and lick my lips.

“I’m glad to see you two are getting along,” I say sarcastically, making my way over to Deacon. I grab him by the hair and tilt his head to the side. “Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just getting my dinner for the night. Continue on with your little talk.”

She gasps and Deacon screams as I plunge my teeth into his neck, sucking at his delectable blood. I moan as I pull away and lick my lips. He hisses in pain and slumps to the ground.

“You’re such a bitch!” Ella shrieks at me.

I cover my ears and hiss. “Why does your voice have to be so god damn annoying? Damn, sometimes I wish I didn’t have this vampire hearing!”

She screams as loud as she can and I cover my ears, cringing in pain. When she is done, I pull my hands away from my ears and hiss at her, angry. I think my eyes are black and by the look on her face, my suspicion is correct.

“You’re going to pay for that,” I warn, approaching her.

Her eyes grow big as I come to a stop in front of her. I clutch her hair in a tight grip and pull her head back, exposing her neck.

“It’s your turn bitch,” I growl and sink my teeth into her neck.

*Reed’s POV*

I come to a stop by the river, ducking my head down to take a drink. My tongue laps at the water eagerly. I am truly exhausted from running around all day.

Reed! Reed! A voice screams in my head as I heard the pounding of paws from behind me.

I whip around to see a group of my Enforcers standing there. Eric is the one talking to me. He is panting heavily, like he sprinted the whole way to find me.

What the hell is everyone doing? You’re supposed to be looking for your Luna! I scold.

We picked up her scent, Reed. Mitch is with the other Enforcers following the trail. He says excitedly.

Bring me to him immediately!

Eric turns around and bounds off into the woods. I trail behind him eagerly. The sooner I get to my Luna, the better. It takes about five minutes at full speed until we catch up to Mitch and the Enforcers. Mitch is watching as they sniff out the trail.

It’s faint, but we’ve found it, he tells me.

Good work. You get the back, I’ll get the front, I instruct.

I run up to the front where my lead Enforcer smells out the trail. I don’t know how long I was following him, but we finally came to an end. Right in front of us stood a log cabin. I was overwhelmed by the stench of vampires along with my mate’s scent and something else…blood? My mate’s blood?!?

My body begins to shake and I hold back the urge to run into the house and get my mate. I know that she’s hurt. But running into the house will get me killed. What I need to do is assemble my Enforcers and attack.

My Luna is injured and we need to get to her before something worse happens. Line up. We will attack at once, I order.

My Enforcers group up into five separate lines, planning on going inside in waves. I stand in front of them, ready to beat the hell out of this clan. They won’t see us coming. They thought they could pull a fast one on us, but they were about to have a rude awakening.

Attack, I demand and the first wave takes off towards the house.

However, right before they get to the door, they are thrown back. A flash of white light shimmers over the house. My eyebrows raise and my head cocks to the side. What the hell?

A protective barrier, Mitch says from beside me.

How do they have a protective barrier? That’s only possible if they’re working with… I trailed off.

I knew that I smelt something funny when I first scoped out Ella’s room! They’re fucking working with witches Reed!

What does this mean? I ask.

It means that we’re not getting into that house unless the spell is uncast. Come on man, you know this, he says.

But Ella’s hurt! We can’t just freaking leave her to die! We need to get my Luna! I’ll get through that barrier if it’s the last thing I do.

I run full speed towards the house, determined to get through the barrier. However, when I’m thrown back into the ground painfully, I know it’s no use.

Have you learned your lesson now…Alpha? Mitch snorts, jokingly insulting my title.

I growl at him and turn to face my Enforcers.

Go back to the pack house and rest up for the night. Spend time with your mates and family and tell them how much you love them. You never know if something like this will happen to you, I tell them. Tomorrow we will work on getting past this barrier. For now I can feel that my Luna is injured, but alive. We need to get to her as soon as possible.

That being said, I turn the opposite way and run back through the woods to the college. All I need right now is a good night’s rest. Although Ella is injured, she is alive. But we need to get to her before it comes worse. I won’t be able to take the pain if I lose her.


*Terrence’s POV*

I am awoken from my blood drunken stupor by the house shaking. I rush to the window to see a whole cluster of wolves standing outside of our clan home. I hiss to myself and rub my head. Why do they have to come now of all times? Good thing we had this protective barrier put up by the witches. There’s no way they are getting in without help from another witch.

After they walk back into the woods, I run around looking for Janie.

“Janie! JANIE! JANIE WHERE ARE YOU?” I yell, rushing through the house.

I open up the basement door. “JANIE!” I scream again.

“God damn it Terrance! What do you want? I’m trying to have dinner here!” she shouts.

I look up to see her holding Ella by the hair. There is blood dripping off of my gorgeous mate’s lips. I lick mine and she smirks.

“You want some, bad boy?” she seduces.

“Hell yeah I do!” I grumble and run towards her, picking her up.

Ella’s body slumps down to the ground and I stare at her. Her heart is still beating, so we don’t have to worry about cleaning up a dead body. All I need to worry about is my sexy mate and how much fun we’re going to have. The talk about the wolves on our ground can wait until later. If later ever happens.


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