Chapter 23

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Hiro's POV

Y/n and I bolted straight up.

"WHAT?! WHERE?! Wait...Y/n?"

I looked at her. Why is she on my bed? A blush formed in our faces. "Wait were you-?"

"I-I d-don't know." She stuttered.

Aunt Cass started laughing.

"You two looked so adorable when you two were cuddling!"

And now our faces flushed red. "W-What?!"

"Oh now I remember." Y/n said.

She smiled sheepishly at me and scratched the back of her neck.

"I fell asleep on your bed last night because I was extremely exhausted and you collapsed next to me. Then later that night, I had a nightmare and you comforted me and we fell asleep like...that."

Well that sparked my memory. She dreamt about her parents again except that she was in the car with them. She said that she tried pulling them out but she couldn't move so her mom pulled her out but collapsed and died soon after. She couldn't stop crying so I had to comfort her.

"Sorry to hear that sweetie but remember that it's in the past and that they'll always be with us, alright?" She nods and smiles to Aunt Cass. "Alright, you guys have to head to SFIT soon. So go get dressed. And take a shower too. You didn't change last night." She ordered before going downstairs.

I stared at my clothes and saw that I was still wearing my blue hoodie, khakis, and green t-shirt. I know. It's green and not red. Shocking. Wait I still have my shoes on?!?

Y/n and I took our turns with the shower and changing and all that but as soon as we were about to step down the first flight of stairs, I realized something.

"Wait a sec."

I stop walking and she bumped into my back.

"Woah there. What's wrong?"

"It's Sunday."

She had a look that said 'so?' on it. I sighed.

"We don't have school today."

"I know." She said walking around me and down the stairs.

"What? Then where are we going?"

I followed her down as she grabbed some toast.

"To school. The labs are open 24/7 so..."

What is this girl doing?! She took a bite out of it and grabbed her bag from the counter.

"Can you explain why we're going though?"

She puts the lunch bag that Aunt Cass prepared for us in her bag before turning to me with a bored look on her face.

"One word, Mr. Hamada: Baymax."

Click. The whole gang is going to be there to help us rebuild Baymax. I face palmed.

"Right. Right. That took me way too long."

I grab my lunch and my bag and waved Aunt Cass goodbye. She of course gave us our last hugs before we left.

We decided to walk to the robotics lab instead of asking Wasabi to pick us up. Get some fresh air.

"Sometimes I question how you graduated so early."

I stared at her in disbelief. "Why would you think that?"

"Why did it take you so long to realize that we're building Baymax? Not awake yet?" She said with an evil smirk.

Someone to Hang On To (Big Hero 6 x Reader)  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora