
52 7 2

Sienna Westbrook

March 24th 2012 - 7:30 am (PST)

The sketch that Krystal helped the artist to draw had just arrived at the Anaheim P.D. which consisted of all the features that she could remember on his face. His face which burned her eyes. Burning her soul.

My team members and I looked through the files that Theodore had sent to us earlier after narrowing the suspect list down to 12. We looked through the mugshots one by one until we found one that looked identical to that of the sketch that we were supplied with. And that's when I saw it. When we all saw it. Tommy Sanders.

Clarke all of a sudden touched base with Theodore via the use of her cell phone, turning it on speakerphone before depositing in onto the round table in front of us.

"We need everything you have on a Tommy Sanders." Clarke spoke.

"Okay... Tommy Sanders, 38, brown hair, hazel eyes. Owns a renovated trailer. His father died 2 weeks ago," That's when the murders started I thought. "And Tommy inherited his house. When Tommy was 8, his father started to abuse him and his twin sister, Tabitha, until his sister committed suicide by overdosing on antidepressants. Her mother couldn't handle her child killing herself and started to spiral into a state of depression, taking more and more pills until one day she overdosed and died." Theodore recounted.

"The father dying must have been the trigger and that explains why he murdered the mothers and daughters in the households. He was reenacting his childhood." I aforementioned.

"This must be our guy. All the family members resemble that of his victims he has chosen." Davies concocted.

"When Sanders saw the men enter the gym, it must have triggered his past, choosing them as his target and once spying them in their houses and seeing the scene of abuse, he planned his attack. Scoped their every move until he unwelcoming went into the houses." Smith finalised.

"He doesn't have a home address of his own, but I'm sending you the address of his late father. I'll run his face through any traffic cameras and try and spot him on his move as there is little I can do to track him via his trailer as it is unregistered." Theodore announced.

"Okay. Thank you Hemmingsworth." And with that the call was terminated. "Everybody suit up. We're going to the address Hemmingsworth has just patched to us." Shaw exclaimed as we all got up and followed his orders.

March 24th 2012 - 8:12 am (PST)

Our SUV's reached a standstill outside Tommy Sanders' late fathers house, 315 S Hillview Rd - the address that was sent to us. I noticed that the lawn was overgrown, discarded beer cans mingling in the forest like district indicating that this house was not cared for. As if the garden was representing what happened behind the blood red front door, 3 lives being taken away. 2 in the form of death and 1 in the sense of their mind. We all withdrew our pistols from our holsters as we didn't know what to expect behind that door.

Ebbing envelopes encasing multifarious letters from debt and utility companies were crammed into the mailbox, the red flag still raised, as if it was chocking on excess letters as they spilled out like vomit, accumulating in a mountain at the foot of the stake.

Ambling towards the front of the sandy orange house, two umbrella pines either side of the pathway drooped in exhaustion over my head, shielding the ground in a shadow, basking it in an epitome of darkness.

Stalking the trail of my teams' footsteps, I costively advanced behind them towards the front door, deviating my eyes towards the periphery of the house, seeing if any movement could be seen.

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