A Miraculous Development

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Spencer Reid

April 27th 2012 - 8:30 am (EST)

I stood in front of the map that hung from an evidence board analysing the locations of the three red thumb tacks, trying to connect the series of home invasions together to determine the most probable area of the unsubs residence. I carried out several hypotheses in my mind, amalgamating the data that was in front of me. I then drew a radius around each point on the map. Taking a step back, I studied the areas of the circles. But to no avail they didn't intersect. I bit my lower lip, trying to think. That's when it hit me. I needed another variable, something that will intersect the other boundaries. 

As I wandered over towards the file that I had left on the table, I was suddenly interrupted in my pursuit by the door slinging open. I jerked my head towards the now bare doorway that allowed the rest of my team mates to enter the room. They were coming in in a single file, as if they were playing follow the leader. Their facial features taut with irritation. They stood in front of me in an arc formation ready to divulge the information each member had discovered from their locations they visited, updating both Hotch and I. Hopefully I will be able to link the three radius' together afterwards.

Hotch coughed, gesturing for someone to initiate their findings. My eyes darted between each member of my team until they landed on JJ whom was the first to speak.

"The mortician said that the unsub used a 12" boning knife to inflict the wounds on each of the victims. The DNA found on all the female victims from the remnants of rape were tested and were all found to be a match. This means the same unsub attacked all three families. " JJ vocalised.

"The women all received twelve stab wounds to their abdomens but the final blow punctured their abdominal aorta which was their C.O.D," Rossi continued, "All the daughters had sixteen incisions to their abdomens also, however, the sixteenth punctured their livers resulting in extremely slow exsanguination." 

"Prentiss and I thought that the unsub targeted the mother and daughter because it was his ritual. Something he saw that he just had to follow through with. Both of them either being murdered or committing suicide." Morgan expressed.

I contorted my face, biting my lip once again as my brain ran through different scenarios. Morgan recognised this,"Okay pretty boy, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"Maybe he stabbed the daughters' livers to kill them because that's how his sister died. Maybe a drug or alcohol overdose. She could have tried to commit suicide but failed and that resulted in her developing cirrhosis which eventually killed her. Every year, about 31,000 people in the U.S. die from cirrhosis, mainly due to alcoholic or drug induced liver disease and chronic hepatitis C. The disease cannot be reversed or cured. I would look into if any of them were on drugs or consumed a lot of alcohol."

"We did find a bottle of Paxil in Stacey's bedroom." Prentiss proceeded. As soon as the medication name was broadcasted the foreign sounding word piqued the interests of everyone. Within a split second, all their heads snapped at me as fast as a crocodile catching its prey. I profiled their expressions and analysed the situation of being one of their lack of understanding and knowledge on this subject. I decided that I would delve into my mind and fish out a bunch of facts about Paxil. 

"Paxil is the common brand name for Paroxetine. Paroxetine is used to treat panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder. It works by helping to restore the balance of serotonin in the brain. Paroxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, SSRI. This medication may improve your mood, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. It may decrease fear, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, and the number of panic attacks."

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