Death Isn't The Only Reason For A Tragedy

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Rosemary Clarke

April 28th 2012 - 16:10 pm (EST)

As soon as Rossi set the car into park, he unbuckled himself from his safety restraint. The rest of us mimicking his action like a herd of sheep, resulting in a canon of clicks echoing throughout the confined space. As I reached my left hand across my torso to unbuckle my own seat belt, I could feel the enticing warmth of Sienna's hand against my own as they met at the buckle.

Whenever I touched her, accidentally or on purpose, I always felt a bolt of lightening shoot through my body. Every millimetre of flesh coated in goose bumps. This time was no exception either. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter by the second as my hand lingered there.

Have you ever loved someone so much but never acted on those feelings because it could end up hurting the both of you? I can't help it though. The feeling rushes over me with no warning. I didn't ask to fall head over heels in love with my best friend. It just happened. Unexpectantly. My head always tells me no, knowing full well Sienna only see's me as a sister, but my heart screams at me to pay attention. The destination of love is always sitting right in front of me with blinking lights. Signs and arrows all pointing at Sienna. But, for as long as I have Sienna in my life, I can never tell her this. I can't risk losing my best friend over something like this.

Avoiding eye contact with Sienna, I whip my hand away and, after several attempts, I finally manage to grab the door handle to free myself from this awkward situation. I shoved the door wide open and scrambled to my feet on the pebbled ground. My hands found their way to my knees as I bent over and breathed heavily to try and calm myself down.

The same bolt of lightening touched my shoulder once again, catching me off guard, resulting in my body toppling over.

"Clarke. Is everything alright?" The luxurious mouth watering voice of Sienna asked in a sympathetic tone.

"Uh... Yes. Everything's, umm... Fine." I answer embarrassingly. Picking myself up off of the ground, I dusted myself down to ensure any dirt that had clung onto my grey suit had vanished. I brush past Sienna to get away from her as I couldn't speak to her, nor see her, in this moment otherwise I'd spill my secret and I didn't want to do that. I caught up with the rest of the Virginia BAU team as they walked into the precinct on their way to the interrogation rooms to meet up with Morgan and Davies.

Derek Morgan

Davies and I were standing behind the one way mirror looking onto Tommy Sanders whose hands were chained to the underside of the table, restraining him for our safety.

"Look at him. You can see the veins on his forehead bulging like worms trying to get out onto the surface."

"I really would wish the others would get here soon so we can lock this geezer up."

I looked at my watch, sealed to my wrist via its black leather strap, to try and estimate their time of arrival. Just as I was about to voice to Davies that they should be here by now, the rest of our team, excluding Shaw, Hotch and JJ, were strutting in a v formation towards us.

"Thank goodness you're here! Sanders has said, and I quote, 'I will only speak to the hot one I spoke to at the gym.' Unless I'm mistaken, I think he wants you Westbrook. The sooner you get his confession, the sooner we can head back to our homes. Are you ready?"

Sienna Westbrook

"Ready as I'll ever be." I tugged on my sports bra trying to inch it down my body to try and cover up at least a bit more of my flesh. I didn't like being this revealing. I guess Clarke sensed my discomfort as she shrugged off her grey blazer and handed it to me.

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