Wheels Up

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Aaron Hotchner

April 26th 2012 - 18:30 pm  (EST)

"Why are we doing this?" Jack whispered, hugging the candle between his delicate, petite fingers.

"We haven't talked to mom in a while so I thought it would be a good idea if we did it again." I stated.

"But I don't want to make you sad." He looked solemnly towards the dancing flame.

"Buddy you're not making me sad. It makes me happy because it reminds me of what a great job mom did with you. So, maybe if we got into the habit of doing this again, you know, mom could help us." Tears begging to be let out of their cage, but I had to compose myself for my 7 year old son.

"Like with what?" Jack quietly questioned, shifting his focus from his mom's spirit to my deep, coffee coloured eyes. 

"You know, if you have a bad day." I paused for a minuscule second, contemplating if I should venture forth into my quest of being a caring father for my son. I hesitantly crooned, "Mrs Mckee said that Paul's been mean to you?"

"He hasn't been mean to me." He softy-spoke.

"No?" My voice lowering a few octaves in disbelief. Jack shook his head to reiterate what he just proclaimed. "Okay." I started to raise myself off of my knees, that were still planted on the soft sky blue carpet, into a non-terrifying stance. Moving my calloused hand into Jack's hair, I slowly pawed his mane, "Well mom look out for Jack anyway."

"Dad too." Jack replied with no delay.

"Ah. Dad too. Of course." I then leant down towards the candle, pursing my lips together into an 'o' shape to blow it out. "It's time to settle down." I meandered upwards from the candle in his hands, that was situated at the bottom of his torso, towards his forehead. I connected my lips to his youthful skin. "Good night buddy." As I pulled away, I gripped the candle and placed in on top of his white bedside table.

"Love you dad." Jack mumbled as his body was being consumed by the comforter as he yanks it up over his shoulders.

"I love you too." I softly murmured as I advanced towards the door, flicking the light switch - quickly basking the room in darkness in a matter of seconds. As I shut the door behind myself, my phone started to ring. After I moved a safe distance away from my sleeping lions' den, I answered it.

"This is Agent Hotchner."

"Agent, this is Strauss." I felt my muscles begin to tense. The hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. If our section chief, my boss, was phoning me late at night after our shift had ended then this case must be dire. "Mint Hill police department have requested your immediate assistance. The Chief of police, Tim Ledford, has disclosed to myself about the recent murders that have been happening in his municipal. I need you and the rest of your team at the B.A.U immediately." Erin Strauss commanded with authority.

"Yes Ma'am. I'll page them tout de suite." I removed my phone away from my ear and opened up the contact list. Scrolling down to 'J' I click on Jessica and dial her number. The phone rings twice before she picks up.

"Hi Jessica. Would it be okay if you could come and look after Jack? It would be for the next few days as I have just been called in for a case." My voice quavered in fear that she wouldn't be able to.

"He's my nephew, and you're my family. Of course I'll come over. I'll be there as long as you want." Jessica stated. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Jessica." I beamed.

"I'll be there in 12 minutes." And with that Jessica executed the phone call.

I paged the rest of my team thereupon, apologising for the short notice, requesting their presence at the B.A.U within 30 minutes flat.

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