Beginning Again

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Sienna Westbrook

May 27th 2012 

A week has passed since I woke up from my coma and it was finally the day I was allowed to be released. Every day the doctor would come and visit me to check if everything was okay. And by everything, I mean everything. He had to make sure that my organs were functioning properly and they were. I just have to take pain killers.

I was glad to get rid of the hospital smell that had lingered in the back of my throat, the pungent aroma of disinfectant making me nauseous at times. The only thing I wasn't excited about was the plane journey. I hated travelling by plane, especially after watching Final Destination. Ever since that film anything to do with flying gives me the creeps.

The girl who claimed she was my 'sister from another mister', visited me everyday, today not being an exception. Everyday she would come in with a hopeful gleam that I would remember her - I'm a profiler of course I could read her thoughts - but only to have the realisation shattering in front of her very eyes. I think after a week she has come to terms that it isn't going to be a quick recovery process to get my memory back. It could take months, heck, even years!

Rosemary was at the foot of my bed packing up all of my things that I had been using this past week into my go bag. I watched her, examined how her hands fondled my clothing as she neatly packed my clothes - like a game of tetris- away. Suddenly, stopping in her actions, she held my pyjama top as she turned her head towards me.

"Can I help you with anything Sienna?" Rosemary's eyebrows furrowed.

I contemplated telling her about the dream I had when I was in the coma but I decided against it - not wanting to bother her. "No, just looking. I find it fascinating how you're packing my clothes away." I scooted out of the bed and made my way beside Rosemary.

"Ah. Right." She shone an Oscar winning smile at me before continuing her duty of packing. I strolled past her to the table beside the cubicle doors and grabbed my mobile. I still never understood how they were already up to the iPhone 5. Last time I remember they just released the iPhone 3GS.

Shaking this pointless thought out of my head, I unlock my phone - having no pass code was a blessing in my state - and selected the removal company's contact number.

With my thumb hovering over the 'call' icon, I turn to Rosemary. "Would it be okay if you... Umm, leave for a moment please?"

"Oh umm," Rosemary quickly zipped up my go bag, tucking her silky chocolate coloured hair behind her ear, "I just finished anyway." She phrased as she glided past me before making her way to the door.

Wandering over to the door, I look through the door's window to check no one was coming. Left, right. Left. Right. No one. I place my free hand onto the door handle and yank it towards me to ensure that the door was indeed shut. I couldn't trust anyone, I didn't even know anyone - except Shaw but he isn't here. I don't want to give personal details about myself to any eaves droppers now, do I?

As soon as the room was silent and I knew no one was coming I traipsed across to the green plastic chair in front of the window. I sat down, allowing the chair to swallow me whole. My legs dangled off of the edge as I finally pressed the 'call' icon.

I brought my feet up onto the chair's edge, my knees touching my chest as I awaited the removal company's open line.

A few seconds later the phone was answered by a southern drawl.

"Howdy. Removers for y'all. Jose speaking. How can we help?" The man spoke.

"Hi. It's Sienna Westbr-" before I could finish speaking Jose interrupted me.

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