Corpus Delicti

39 7 0

Derek Morgan

April 26th 2012 - 21:00 pm (EST)

Once the plane landed at Concord Regional Airport, in North Carolina, we took to the two Suburban's that were allocated to us. I hurdled into one, swiping the drivers seat. I was joined by Hotch - who took to the passenger seat - whilst Prentiss took to the back. The rest of the team advanced towards the other SUV.

I headed south on the I-485 towards Mint Hill Police Department, accelerating past other drivers on the freeway.

When we arrived at our destination, we all congregated near the entrance of the P.D after exiting our vehicles. Hotch was the first to take the lead and enter the premises, the rest of us following closely behind.

As soon as we entered the interior vicinity, an authoritative figure briskly strode across to us. His florid oval face housing a magnum moustache teamed with a man's regular haircut in a shade of grey - instantly recognising that he has been in this business for a long time from his complexion.

"Good evening. You must be the F.B.I. I'm Tim Ledford." The man stated sanguinely whilst shaking hands with everyone besides Reid who just gave a casual wave.

"I'm Agent Aaron Hotchner. These are SSA's Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, Jareau and Doctor Reid." My unit chief announced.

"I'm sure you're all up to date with the recent killings from Strauss so I'll just show you to the room we have allocated for you to use." Ledford exhorted, picking up his feet with all of us following his tail.

Ledford thrust a glass door open, allowing us to infiltrate his conference room like a swarm of bees.

Ledford's voice rang throughout the air once again, "I have booked 4 hotel rooms at the Hampton Inn. Here's the address." His decrepit hand forcing a sheet of paper into Hotch's.

Hotch declared, "We will head on over to the hotel now. Prentiss and JJ will share a room, Morgan and Reid will occupy another whilst Rossi and I will have one to ourselves. Be back here by 6 am tomorrow morning sharp." And with that we all evacuated the conference room and headed back outside to our SUV's. In pursuit of Hotch in the front car, we followed him to the hotel that will be our home for the next few days.

Upon arriving, we each received our key cards from the receptionist and then headed towards our rooms.

Reading the room number of 834 on my key card, I realised that Reid and I were up on the eighth floor. We both decided to take the elevator because there would be too many stairs to climb. Or in pretty boys' words, "Only 276 steps."

Once the elevator arrived on the eighth floor, we made our way to our room. Placing my card into the magstripe door lock, I watched as the authorisation light flickered green and opened the door to the hotel room. Reid shuffled across to the single bed closest to the window and dropped his go bag on top of the comforter. I began to move wearily across to the remaining vacant bed as I watched Reid rummage through his bag picking out various items.

"I'm going to go and have a shower." Reid murmured before hurrying into the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.

"I wonder what's going on inside pretty boy's' head. He doesn't seem like himself. I'll talk to him after his shower." I thought to myself.

After approximately 10 minutes after Reid entered the bathroom, the door finally crept open to reveal his emaciated physique hiding behind his tightly fitting grey pyjama top that was coupled with red tartan fleece bottoms. He swiftly glided across to his bed and slid in underneath his sheets.

"Reid..." I spoke calmly with a hint of concern, "Have you been eating at all?" The daunting question lingering within the walls of the hotel room.

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