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a/n this is mostly a nasty filler so warning?? for cliche and awkward bjs lame handjobs uHHh age play bc of jguks lame oppa/hyung kink and thts it. im sorry mom


the first thing taehyung notices when he wakes up is how dry his throat and mouth feel, as if he's just swallowed cotton and it's stuck halfway down his esophagus. the red 4:30pm on his alarm clock blinks angrily at him, almost scolding, and he has the urge to shout five more minutes but then again, he's meant to be a full grown up much to his dismay.

the second thing he notices is how bright the sun is shining through the window, so bright it has him squeezing his eyes closed as quickly as he had opened them in order to inspect his surroundings. there's this dull, throbbing pain on the side of his skull as if his brain is about to burst out of its confines, and he tries to reach up and press his palm against his forehead in an attempt at easing it-

but it's stuck.

the third (and most unfortunate) thing he notices is a solid weight over his arm that threatens to crush it if it hasn't yet, and he manages to turn around and lie on his side to check the source of such pain in the ass.

of course.


taehyung brings down a hand on said man's back with a smack that bounces off the walls and leaves a red imprint of his palm on his skin- but that still isn't enough to wake jeongguk up. it's not news to him that this kid sleeps like a rock, but please, not on him.

"jeongguk-ah", the blonde whines, wiggling the arm that rests limp underneath jeongguk for any signs of life coming from the latter. "jeongguk, please–"

he hears a sniffle (poor man and his rhinitis) and the bed dips under jeongguk's weight as he turns around and yes, taehyung has finally succeeded-

but the younger just takes a hold of taehyung's arm and pulls him onto his chest, forehead bumping painfully against his shoulder which has him letting out a low whine.

taehyung tries to squeeze his way out of the cage that are jeongguk's strong arms, shaking his shoulders and his legs until his thigh brushes against the younger's groin and he feels a very suspiciously phallic-shaped tent on his boxers pressed against his skin.

okay, okay. this is a natural reaction of the human body to stimulation or when one is having particularly good dreams, maybe, it's okay and taehyung won't freak out about it. he's an adult, not twelve.

it would still be okay if jeongguk hadn't pushed his hips forward just slightly, as if he's seeking more friction in response to the sudden contact. okay.

it takes a few pats on the cheek and pinches for jeongguk to (finally finally) crack one eye open, a hint of a smile on his lips when he peers up at the other.


"earth to jeongguk", the blonde snaps his fingers before said man's face, "you're humping my leg."

"am i...", he mumbles to himself, eyebrows knitted as he drifts his gaze down to where taehyung's slim thigh is tucked between his muscular ones, eyes widening almost comically. "oh shit tae, 'm so sorry, i-"

"it's fine", it's a white lie but his voice is so surprisingly smooth even he himself believes in it.

jeongguk looks back up at him, unreadable expression on his face. "so, maybe i should-"

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