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three weeks later

jimin spits his tea all over seokjin's carpet in surprise- a true premonition phenomenon taehyung had been foreseeing for a long, long time.

"you're dating?", he blurts out all in one breath, a hand grasping at seokjin's knee as if the action is able to bring him any sort of emotional support.

the eldest doesn't look too pleased-staring down at the stain on his pristine white mat in horror and grumbling a string of seemingly endless curses directed at the red-haired heathen beside him.

"for the millionth time, yes i am, jimin."

his voice sounds pained when he asks, "for how long?"

"precisely twenty-three hours", taehyung brings a hand up to check his watch, "and fifty-four minutes, thought i'd pass by to spill the beans before i engage in my one day anniversary sexy times."

"you're disgusting", seokjin points out, and before jimin's able to open his mouth and second his statement he continues, "and you too, don't start."

"you're just jealous that we both have boyfriends and you don't", the smaller boy says, a teasing lilt to his voice.

"'s not like would ever want to get one", he rolls his eyes, somewhat used to the endless teasing coming from his pathetic excuses for friends.

taehyung claps his hands together a few times, "i thought the attention was supposed to be on moi?"

"right", seokjin hisses at jimin through gritted teeth, but the crinkles at the corners of his eyes betray his facade. "how did it happen?"

"so it was a beautiful, rainy sunday afternoon-"

"taehyung", jimin cuts him off quickly, "you're not reciting nicholas sparks, fucking cut to the chase."

taehyung all but pouts, "fine, fine."

and tells them about how he asked for jeongguk's hand in a not-so-heterosexual relationship that includes kissing, sexing, and all the excruciatingly detailed romantic mumbo-jumbo seokjin seems very uncomfortable paying attention to, in all his aro glory.

now jimin seems attentive, chin in hand and eyes watery in the parts where he and jeongguk had decided to take a break or discuss the whole emotional factor of their real life friends to lovers trope. he's too sensitive, taehyung figures. doesn't know how he and seokjin click being the polar opposites that they are, but they do.

taehyung also describes how jeongguk's eyes disappeared into tiny crescents before he said "yes, of course i'll be yours", and how tightly he held his hand- fingers sliding in between the gaps of taehyung's in what the blonde's sure is a perfect fit- when the elder asked him out on a (finally) official first date.

complains to them about yoongi's uncertainty about their relationship when jeongguk had texted him about it, but tried to seem cheerful nonetheless (his boyfriend had assured him the use of one exclamation point was as much exhilaration as anyone can possibly get from min yoongi).

and concludes with explaining how much happier he's been ever since that one day with jimin at the bar, and it's true. it feels as if the ten years they had been friends were just a preface to what they would eventually have one day. love, that is. not the brotherly, dudely kind of love- the i'm completely head over heels in love and fuck the fact that you bear the same genitals as i do kind of love.

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