Chapter 1

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 “Do you want something to eat?”James called from the kitchen as I shook my umbrella and stepped inside.

 “I’m all good” I shouted back.

James stepped out into the hallway and just gave me large grin. “Sel, sort out your hair while you’re at it”. I groaned and stomped up the stairs, did I really look that bad? I was drenched from head to toe after being forced to walk in the rain to get to James. I felt fatigue and unable to walk anymore so I just stumbled into James’ room and covering my eyes in shock when my eyes met his older brother standing in his boxers. “Oh err sorry Selena” Jack mumbled as he ran out of the room. I just chuckled to myself as I sat on the bed. I stroke the black patterns, which were sewn onto the pillow and gazed round his room. Like any other 15 year olds boys room, the floor was covered in dirty clothes and the walls were covered with posters of either girls or football players.

 “I’m back to save you” James yelled as he pushed open the door. “What took you so long” I giggled.

 “Ahh well the master had to be fed” He winked.

 “Master at what”

 “Well let’s save that till tonight”

 “Oh my god you perv” I laughed as I started whacking him with a pillow.

 Before I could ask what he was doing he launched himself on me and squashed my chest making me unable to breathe.”James William Marshall get your ass of me now” I gasped while throwing random punches while attempting to hit him. “Haha your facial expressions are priceless!” He chuckled. “I was only joking earlier”

 “Come on we need to plan out what we’re going to do for your birthday. James just shrugged and sipped on his can of coke which he took out of his cabinet. “The same as we do everything year” I just rolled my eyes at him. Every year we just hang out together as always, we’ve known each other for like forever. He’s my best friend even though he annoys the hell out of me.

 “Aww c’mon let’s do something big its for your 16th” I whined.

 “Alright Sel we’ll do something big for you”

 “Why don’t we hire out that beach house my uncle owns?”

 “Yeah then we can have a massive house party and stay down there for like a week”

 “Great idea let’s start organising” I grinned.

 He pulled out his laptop and placed it on his lap opening up the website of the beach house. Both of our eyes wondered up and down the screen looking at all the pictures of all the rooms and the swimming pool. This was just going to be perfect for James.

“You both alright up there” James’ Mum shouted from downstairs. “Yeah we’re good” James replied back. “What are you both doing” Jack asked from by the door. I let a small scream escape my mouth as I clutched my chest. “God sorry to mean to scare the shit outta you Selena” He chuckled as he walked back to his room. I turned round to meet James’ wiggling his eyebrows at me. I just pushed him away and crossed my arms. “Everyone is annoying me today.” I muttered. “Well you know you can’t resist me” He winked. I chewed my lips staring at my phone screen waiting for a reply from my Uncle. “Okay this is just taking forever I’m gonna go and make some dinner for us. “Oh god save me” I mumbled. “Hey I’m not that made” James pouted. I just rolled my eyes at him and continued to stare at my phone screen.

I stared at the gloopy mixture in front of me inside this bowl. I stirred it round hoping to find something edible inside it. “This just doesn’t look edible at all James” I said staring at James’ failed attempt at cooking. It actually made me gag a little. “Hey, don’t diss my cooking skills it’s edible I swear” He said while giving me a harsh glare. “Oh Jamie trying to poison Selena already” He laughed as he saw the look on my face. I looked up to see him giving me a small smile and I found myself smiling back. I never really thought about this before but James’ brother was actually quite good looking.


It;s not that good i'll try to improve in my later chaptersss x-


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