Chapter 13

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“Babe you’re soaked” Justin said as he opened the door. “Thank you captain obvious” I muttered as I walked straight past him into the front room. “You have alot of explaining to do Mr.” Justin just raised his eyebrows and sat down next to me. “Did anything happen when you went out earlier”He asked. “I thought I’m the one supposed to be asking questions” I mumbled as I crossed my arms. “Oh yeah sorry carry on” Justin said. My eyes wondered round to gaze at the clock ticking on the wall. Justin has been waiting for me for nearly 3 hours. “Well I saw someone when I went out” I whispered. “Who?” Justin asked in confusion. “Mr Connor” I replied. As soon as I said that Justin eyes widened and he buried his face into his palms. “I swear Selena I was going to tell you but I was just waiting for the right time” He grunted. “I’m still waiting for an explanation because he told me to ask you” I said. Justin looked up to me and he looked shocked.

“Well I got in this situation with Mr Connor a couple of years ago and well he got me stuck into one of his crimes.” He said. Well this is going to be interesting. “He used to take advantage of girls with his so called gang and I found out so I got him arrested. He said I owe him £1000 which was the money used to bail him out of jail. Obviously I couldn’t afford that so we both made a bet I will give him £200 and he gets to have my next girlfriend.” He sighed. I stared at him in utter shock; he’s been using me the whole time? “Wait you have been using me the whole time” I whispered as I was trying to hold back the flow of tears. “What, of course not I have stopped myself from falling in love so no one was hurt but I couldn’t stop myself from falling for you” Justin said. “Okay so what would Mr Connor do if you don’t give him the money and me” I asked.  “He would kill my grandmother” He mumbled. “What, he can’t do that!” I shouted. “You will just have to give me to him”. Justin’s hands gripped on my shoulders as looked me into the eyes. “I will never do that to you Sel” He snapped. “We will both just have to go through this together” I gave him a weak smile as he brought me into a large hug. “I love you Sel” He whispered.

“What’s all this shouting at 3 o’clock the morning” Juliet muttered as she walked into the room me and Justin was in. “You better not be fighting with her Mr” I just giggled, Justin’s grandmother was even able to joke about at 3 in the morning. “Sorry grandmother we didn’t wake you up” He smiled. “No we aren’t fighting” She just clicked her tongue and pointed her bony finger towards both of us. “I’m going to be getting my beauty sleep so you two better be quiet” She chuckled. “See you in the morning Juliet” I giggled. “Bless you sugar pie” She smiled as she dragged herself up the staircase. “Your Mum wants you to visit her tomorrow Sel” Justin whispered into my ear. “Well I need some sleep” I giggled as I buried my face into his chest. “Night beautiful” He chuckled.




I know u prob expecting Justin to say something like he was a secret ninja or something and I know his story was kinda boring -__-   This story isn't really planned I just bits out and it flows lol x So im sorry about the disappointment of the story between justin and mr connor, I just couldn't think of anything xx

Mixed Emotions (being edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon