Chapter 3

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I shuffled through the door way awkwardly with Jack pushing lightly behind me. I pinched my nose from the scent of strong alcohol filling the air. “Right I’ll introduce you to my friends” Jack muttered as he dragged through a crowd of people by the music. I winced and covered my ears, this music is to loud. “Don’t worry it isn’t this loud everywhere” Jack shouted over the music. I just nodded and hope he was right. I couldn’t take this smell and sound anymore.

It didn’t take long till I was let out to a back garden with benches, deck chairs and a large pool in the middle.  As they were a rule no alcohol was aloud to be drunk by people using the pool, the pool seemed to be empty. “Here drink some of this” Jack said as he shoved a glass into my face. I just shook my head and pushed the glass away from me. “C’mon every girl of Jack’s drinks” A blonde boy laughed as he came towards us with two other boys. “Hey bro how’s it going” Jack chuckled as he done a handshake with the three boys. A giggle left my mouth and I raised my eyebrows. “Something funny” Jack questioned. “Yeah how immature do you wanna be aren’t you some school badass” I replied. Jack and his mates gave me questioning looks.

“Hey Im Luke, nice to meet you” The blonde boy grinned as he put his hand out. I grimaced at his hand, I wasn’t touching that, I don’t know know where it’s been.

“Hello babe I’m Zack and this is my twin bro Harry”The dark haired one winked. I just rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

“So let’s play spin the bottle.”Harry offered.

“Yeah sure why not” Jack grinned. “But as there’s only one girl we will dare each other to do things instead.”

My eyes widened, I’ve never really spoke to Jack before and I’ve never met these three boys in front of me. They already want to play dares with me?

“Oi dude drink that quick we need that bottle” Luke muttered to Zack.

 We all decided to sit on the patio near the pool under some lights. I just glared at the glass bottle in front of me. I shouldn’t be doing this, I thought to myself. I couldn’t leave though I haven’t got a ride home. I groaned and buried my head into my hands, I was tired already.

After 20 mintutes of playing spin the bottle, only small dares were given and surprisingly the bottle never landed on me. I chewed on my bottom lip as I saw the glass bottle slowly spinning and coming to a stop. This was our last go and I was hoping it wasn’t going to land on me.

“Selena” Jack grinned. “Harry you’re choosing the dare.”

I mentally slapped myself, what have I got myself into?

“I dare you to kiss Jack” Harry smirked at me. I started to choke and splutter while my eyes widened.

“Right here right now” Zack grinned.

I turned round to face Jack to see a smirk slapped across his face. I couldn’t do this, this is James’ brother I couldn’t kiss him.

Before I could wake up to reality, Jack was already leaning closer towards my lips and then they touched. I closed my eyes waiting for this to be over. I felt Jack’s hands grip my hair and I could feel his body pushing closer to me.

“3, 2, 1” Everyone was chanting. I quickly shoved Jack off me and I saw his eyes widen in shock.

“Um I err we need to go home now” Jack stuttered.

“Oh see you soon and nice meeting you Selena” Harry shouted as Jack gripped my arm and dragged me out towards his car.

“Get in the car now”

“No you’re not drink driving”

“I haven’t drunk anything I don’t drink!”Jack shouted as he slammed his car door shut.

I awkwardly slipped into his car and done my seatbelt.

It was an awkward ride home I kept sneaking glances over to Jack but his eyes were fixed onto the road and you could see the anger rising in him as his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

What was he so angry about?

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