Chapter 2

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 “Omg really that’s just going to be amazing, everything is planned right?”Laura squealed as she clapped her hands. Lucas just covered his face in embarrassment when he realised his girlfriend was acting like a seal. “Yeah Laura me and James sorted it out last night” I smiled.

 “Last night? So you guys like official” Laura gasped. Everyone at the table just turned to stare at me. I started to choke on my sandwich. I felt a strong hand slap my back. “I’m not that bad Selena, no need to kill yourself” James joked. “Start inviting people now” Lucas shouted. “Alright alright.” I pulled out my iphone, I had pretty much everyone’s number, I was quite a sociable person.

 “You do realise that if the teachers find out they send a teacher to the party to watch us” Lucas said raising his eyebrows.

 “What? Why do they do that” I questioned.

 “I dunno really it’s just part of the school thing now” He shrugged.

 The bell rung and caused everyone to stand up and rush out towards the hallways. I tipped my leftovers of my lunch into the bin and followed Laura to our next class, maths.

 “I heard our teacher left so we’ve gotta new one, hopefully he’s good looking” Laura grinned as she filed her nails.

 I nodded my head and turned towards my locker to grab my books. We carried on walking towards our class and knocked on the door. We opened the door and saw a man sitting by the desk. He looked up towards me and Laura and caught gaze with my eyes. His eyes were a sky blue and were slightly twinkling under the lights. His brown hair flopped across his forehead and a smirk was slapped across his face.

 “You two are late” He stated.”You both got yourself detention after school.

 “Oh what but I’ve got a date” Laura whined.

 “Oh okay then I guess it’s just brownie with detention”

 Brownie? Who even calls people that? “What but.”

 “No buts detention after school young lady. I groaned and walked towards the desks. I realised that mine and Laura’s seats were taken at the back. That means we have to sit front row right in the centre.

 It was half way through the lesson and I was bored out my mind. I rested my head on my arms and slowly started to close my eyelids. “Sel wake up if you’re bored start texting the invites.” I sat up violently and gave Lauren a nod before pulling out my phone. I hid it under the desk while I was tapping away a message to Amanda. “So beach party right Mrs Lynne, you do realise you need a teacher to come with you.” I turned round in shock to see the teacher standing behind me and looking over my shoulder. “Yes” I mumbled. “Well that’s great because I’m free next Saturday which is when the party is right” He smirked. “Yeah” I scoffed. Laura just gave me a knowing look and I just stuck my tongue out at her. Before she could say anything I was saved by the bell. I tried to run out the classroom but I was caught by the teacher. “Sit down Selena” He muttered. I sat back down and placed my forehead on the desk, hoping the detention will go quicker.

 “No sleeping in my lessons”

 “Yes sir” I snapped.

 “Call me Mr Carson”

 “Whatever” I muttered.

 I was just annoyed well more than annoyed I was pissed off. He let Laura get out of the detention because she had a date and I wasn’t even able to give an excuse!

 “Doing anything special at the party” Mr Carson questioned.


 “Is it for your birthday” He asked.

 “No it’s for James’”

 “Ah yes your boyfriend of course” He smiled.

 “What? No, he’s not my boyfriend, just friends.”

 He nodded with a grin on his face, obviously not convinced. I looked up to the clock to see that it was half 3 and started to leave the classroom.

 “Cant wait to see you Saturday Mrs Lynne” He yelled.

 I just turned around and glared at him as I slammed the classroom door. I smiled; Mr Cason was coming to the beach house.

“Oh Sel my 16th birthday party is ruined” James groaned as he buried his face into his pillow. “Sorry about that jerk decides to pick on me and stalk me” I muttered. “Don’t worry I’ll convince him not to come tomorrow.” James just muttered a whatever into his pillow and buried himself into his covers. “Well I guess I’m leaving then, see you at school James” I shouted.

I made my way to front door and I was stopped by Jack. “So where do you think your going young lady” Jack grinned as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and glared at him. “Ah feisty now are we, we’re going out” He smiled as he dragged me out of the door. “But I’ve got school tomorrow” I whined. “Yeah well there’s nothing wrong with having some fun come on live a little Sel” He said.

We had got into his car and we have been driving around for 20 minutes now and I was getting impatient. “Are we nearly there yet”          I moaned. “It’s just round the corner” Jack stated. He sped round the corner and nearly went into a lamppost. My jaw dropped when I realised where he had brought me. He brought me to this party for 18 year olds. My Mum was going to kill me. “Now you ready for the night of your life Selena.”

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