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Harry was helping Louis clear up when Louis spoke up, "So.. Zayn told me that you met him at the BRIT awards this year...."
Harry nodded, placing the plates in the sink and started washing a plate, when Louis rushes to his side, "What the hell do you think you are doing! Oh my god. Leave. Leave it!" And he snatched the plate from Harry's hand. Harry stilled, didn't know what the fuss was about. Louis placed it in the sink, and closed the tap.
"You are a guest here, okay? Please.. Don't do the dishes, I'll feel.. Its just not right okay? Can we leave it at that? Thank you." He hadn't even waited for Harry to reply. Walking out of the kitchen Louis resumed speaking, "So what were you doing at the BRIT awards ?"
Harry sat down on the sofa, this time getting comfortable, he sat leaning back, folding his legs in Indian style. Louis sat beside him, facing Harry, his legs drawn up to his chest.
"I was there with Miolaine Petit. She was nominated."
"Miolaine Petit? "
"She acts in the show ForeignLand."
"Oh! Oh yes.. Heard of it.. Never seen it though...so you were her... date?"
Louis wanted to cringe, why is he asking this? Is harry getting uncomfortable?
Harry let out a slow laugh. "No..no.. I'm her translator."
"Translator?" Louis was baffled.
"Yes, her agent had heard about me from someone and they contacted me. So yea..."
"You are a translator by profession?"
Harry looked at Louis, "Yes."
Louis looked amazed, his blue eyes wide and shining, "So.. How many languages do you know?"
"I know many.. But I have a degree for four of them, French, Spanish, German and Hindi. I'm currently doing a Japanese learning course.. I'll be certified within two months. Otherwise I know bits and pieces of Latin, Mandarin, Greek, Arabic, Urdu.. " Harry breaks off, looking at Louis jaw drop. Quite literally.
"What is it?" Harry asks, now self conscious.
"What is it?! Harry! You know like a .. a... Gazillion language's . Oh my god! That is so so awesome! When did you start learning all these languages? Is it easy? How much time did it take? Since when are you doing this .. Professionally? " Louis pauses to take a breath.
Harry smiles, its been a long time since anyone was this enthusiastic about his career, "I started learning when I was really young. My father is French, mum English, so it began from there. Then I had gotten addicted to watching Anime when I was in school, so I started picking up Japanese from there and later worked on it, online courses and such. Then I started watching foreign films a lot during my highschool and college and I fell in love with Spanish and German. So I took it up and followed it. So yea.. Then I realized I was really good at picking it up and I got recognized pretty soon as I used to translate foreign scripts to English..Its not that easy.. But once you want to do it, it's easy I guess. It takes some time to master it, but that's obvious, I guess. There are courses that I take, tests I give and other examinations, then I get my certification. I wasn't looking to be a translator, I was working with an organization. I took up translating for actors, actresses and other personalities ,freelancing as such recently, its not even been a year actually."
Louis thought he heard some disappointment? Or some sadness in his tone later.. He decides not to comment on it.
"That is absolutely incredible I guess. I wish I had such an interesting story to tell people when asked about my profession. Wow. I am really, truly, genuinely one hundred percent impressed."
Harry smiled widely, and his dimples popped up again and Louis seriously contemplated poking it and giggled at the absurdity of the thought and simultaneously Harry's phone rang.
Harry looked at him apologetically, getting up and answering his phone.
Louis settles back into his sofa, cuddling his legs, thinking why he was having such a good time and hoping really hard that Harry didn't have to leave.

"Hello?" There was no response on the other end of the line.
"Nick?" He whispers into the phone. He hears someone groaning.
"Nick.. Nick? Are you okay? Where are you?"
"Harry..." The voice was hoarse. It there were some gasping noises and painful moans.
"Nick.. Please.. Answer me... Where are you?"
"I'm so.. sor...sorry...harry.. I'm sorry-"
"No,no,no,no,no.. Its okay. Its all right. Where are you? Please. Tell me. Nick?! Where are you? Talk to me, please .." Harry was begging.
"I'm sorry..." The voice was going weaker. Harry's heart was beating so fast that Harry could not focus on anything.
"Are you at your place? Nick?"
There was no response, he could hear Nick struggling to breath..
My god! What is he doing?
"Nick? Hold on.. Okay? Just hold on.. Please. I'm coming okay? Please.. Say you'll hold on?"
There was no response.
"Nick? Please. Say it. Say you'll hold on... Come on baby, please..." Harry was so tensed, his hand gripping the phone so tightly that his knuckles were white.
"I'm holding on..."
Harry sighed in relief..."okay, hold on.. I'm coming okay? I'll be with you. Okay? Just hold on for a little while."
Harry went to cut the call when he heard a faint I love you, and Harry's breath hitched.
He blinked back his tears and locked his cell phone.

Louis was on his phone waiting for Harry to come back when Harry rushed into the living room his face pale, his face glistening with sweat, "I'm sorry, I need to go. Thank you for all this, thank you for the dinner, thank you for.. for everything, really. But I need go. I'm sorry. Thank you Louis. " Harry tried to smile but his face was not functioning, he turned to go to the door when Louis got up and rushed to the door to open it for him.
"How will you go? Do you want me to drop you? You wanna take my car?"
Harry shakes his head, "No, its okay. I'll take a cab. I'll be fine. Thank you for offering though, but I need to go now okay?. Bye..." And he rushed to the elevator jabbing his finger to call for it.

Louis was standing at his door till the time the elevator door chimed open and Harry got on and the door closed.
Is he going to be okay?
Louis was worried and he had no idea why he was worried, he had no particular reason to be. He didn't even know what got Harry so worked up.
He just hoped that Harry would be okay...

Princess // l.s.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu