12. after math

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Louis could feel a dull ache in the back of his skull. He took a deep breath. He was lying face down on his pillow, and felt quite uncomfortable. He went to turn around when a groan slipped past his mouth.
It was a really loud groan.
Failing to turn around he lay back down on his stomach again, but cocking his head to one side he squinted his eyes open.
Oh god no... Please, please let this not be happening. I literally want to cry right now. The headache... Oh god! Oh god, god, god...where's Niall?
Just then Niall walked into his bedroom throwing the door wide open and carrying a tray of food for him.
"Finally you are awake, or I was just doing to diall 999 to tell them of a death. I though you had been done for, by the way you stumbled in yesterday and went straight to bed in your suit muttering 'tired' or some other thing like 'stupid', 'princess'. Being tired I can understand as you partied for well over five hours. But what's this about a princess ? And why are you stupid?"
Louis had spaced out when Niall was speaking.
Can he just shut up? Oh god... I'm not drinking again. I swear. Its not worth it. This pain is not worth it...
Louis literally felt tears in the corner of his eyes and he shut his eyes closed instantly. His throat was dry and scratchy. His head was ... It felt like someone was taking a hammer and hitting at his head like it was a nail at a rhythmic pace. His body felt restricted by the tight suit. And he felt clamped and yuck.
"Niall..." He cried out.

Niall was instantly by his side, tugging his blazer loose and turning Louis body over so that he was lying on his back now.
Louis groaned in pain but didn't do anything else.
Niall opened up the buttons and undid the dress pants.
Then he went and lowered the temperature in the room and propped Louis up on pillows and made him drink a 'hangover cure'.
After that Louis was made to drink water and eat eggs and sausages.
After that Louis could at least move without Niall's support.

"Good. Now that you are moving. You have to go downstairs and collect all the presents that your fan following has sent you. Its there in the store room if the building. Ask the doorman. Plus drink this. And this."
Niall handed him a glass of water with a tablet.
"I've charged your phone, its right beside you. I'm going to my flat for a bit. I'll check up on you in a while. Please change. Take a bath. Hot, cold doesn't matter whichever feels better. And change into something comfortable."
As Niall was leaving he turned around, "oh yea, mum is sending some people over for cake tasting and other stuff so that she knows what to make for your birthday dinner tomorrow. And Zayn had called me and asked me how you were and he seemed upset. So call him up, ya?"
Niall turned and walked out of his bedroom.

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