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"Why aren't you spending the night Louis?" Jay asked him.
Coz I want to be alone with Harry... And I don't think he is very comfortable here..
"I have to be home mum, please don't pressurise. I'll come back tomorrow sometime, promise."
Jay rolled her eyes, "You'll come back only because you want your Christmas presents..."
Louis smiled, "You know me too well for tour own good. Talking of presents.. I don't remember you giving me my birthday present.."
Jay smiles...and picks up a soft package neatly wrapped and hands it over to Louis..
Louis took it, smiling slightly.
He unwrapped it and saw a black sweater.
"You made it.."
Louis looks at his mum, "yes.. I knitted it thought the year... Slowly, yea.. You like it?"
Louis hugged her tightly, "I love it mum. I really really love it. Thank you so much."
Jay placed a kiss on Louis forehead and parted his shoulders, "Go.. Harry is waiting."
Louis saw the way his mom's eyes twinkled while she said that.
Does she know? No, she can't.. Then why did she say it in that tone ?
"Go!" Jay repeated and pushed Louis out of the living room.
Louis smiled unsurely not knowing what his mother was hinting at,
"Bye mum.."


Louis was in the car, Harry next to him.
"You okay?"
Harry nodded.
"Okay then.. Where do you wanna go love?"
Shit. It just slipped out. I hope he doesn't take offence or anything.

There was a faint smile on Harry's lips, "I'm fine with anything. Its your birthday, I think, you should decide."
Louis smiled, "Umm.. So okay. But whatever I decide... You'll be okay with it?"
Harry nodded, looking at him.
Louis glaced at him once before focusing on the road, his mind running wild.
You asked for it.. He was grinning with his thoughts. You have no idea what I am going to ask for...
"Okay then.."
"Where... Umm.. Where are we going?"
"Your place."
"Oh!" Harry was taken aback. He had not considered this. He had thought of all other possibilities, clubbing, just a drive, even Louis apartment.
Why does he want to come back to my place?
"Is there a problem love?"
Harry shook his head, "no-no. Its just a little surpri- never mind. Its okay. You remember the directions?"
"Somewhat.. You'll help me out if I forget.. Won't you?" Louis was looking directly into Harry's eyes.
Harry nodded once, captivated by this boy, so much that he couldn't move, even if he tried.
"Good." Louis said cheekily; he focused on driving.
Harry focused on Louis.


Harry unlocked his apartment.
Everything was just as how Louis remembered it to be.
"So.. What do you want to do?" Harry asked, closing the door.
"Hmm.. What can we do. We could do many things..things that would involve us getting dirty..really dirty." Louis paused and took a step forward. Harry's cheeks were red. He bit his bottom lip. Louis came closer still, "What did I say about biting your lip?" He whispered.
"It's distracting?" Harry's voice was unsure.
Louis took his right hand and pulled out the bottom lip free. It was pink due to the pressure. It was too hard a temptation for Louis to resist. He went up on his tip toes and held the wall for support and tugged his already pink lower lip with his teeth. He tugged and pulled at it and then bit down on it, hard enough to leave an impression.
Harry felt every pull, every tug. He was not stable on his feet. When Louis bit down in his lower lip, it was painful, but I'll take it. I'll take this pain any day, any second.. Without skipping a heartbeat.
Then Louis let go and Harry swayed, and held on to Louis arm to stable himself.
"Yes. Its distracting." Louis said, his voice now several octaves lower, making a shiver run down his spine.


Louis was walking away when Harry caught his wrist. Louis stopped, his heart freezing. He never thought that Harry would initiate anything. This was so unexpected.
He turned around facing Harry who's back was to the wall.
"Harry..?" His voice sounded lower to his own ears.
Shit! Is how much I want him so evident?
Harry pulled him closer and Louis stumbled and almost fell. Bracing him on Harry he looked up, into Harry's eyes.
Why the fuck are his eyes so damn green? So so so fucking green? Why does it happen to be the perfect eyes ever?
"Can I kiss you?"
"Huh?" Louis asked.. Harry's voice was so raspy that Louis thought he misunderstood him.
"Can I kiss you?" Harry repeated, his voice sultry and so deep that Louis had goosebumps dotting his skin.
He nodded.
Harry hooked a finger under his chin and pulled his face up, before he leaned down and brushed the pad of his thumb against Louis thin lips.
Louis was throbbing with anticipation, when Harry let go of his chin suddenly and caught his cheeks in his hand and kissed him.
The kiss was so sudden that Louis took a moment to realize what was happening. That Harry was actually kissing him.

He responded equally wrapping his arms around Harry's neck. He felt Harry's hands on his ass, cupping his butt cheeks, trying to lift him. Louis jumped a little to help him out and locked his hips on Harry's waist tightly.
Harry turned around such that Louis back was to the wall now. With Louis locked so closely Harry felt a wave of something surging through his entire body. He kissed him deeper.
Louis tasted of himself. There was no other flavour for Harry to distinguish. It was all completely Louis. And that made him frantic. Their tongue's were playing, and Harry wanted to taste Louis all the time. Harry had no idea that the warmth, the longing he had wanted in his entire life would be found, so simply in Louis mouth.
He savoured every moment, kissing deeper, wanting to let Louis know.. How much he meant to him. How much this moment meant to him.

I hope I can make you feel at least half as good as how you make me feel...

Breaking the kiss, he looked into Louis blue eyes, his heart stopping, not knowing what he would do if Louis rejected him, with a steady breath he asked him, his voice betraying his emotions,
"Can I go further?"

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