I ran away from home chpt 4

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I ran away from home.....

-Chapter 4-

I looked down on my hands and blushed nervously, stealing quick glances of the boys. It wasn't until now that my fear had subsided that I saw how beautiful they all were. I hated them already.

The boy from the woods - the one that had made me fall that first time - was tall, but not nearly as tall as the giant beside him. He was muscular and tanned, but still had a white undertone to his skin. His burning eyes were almost hidden under his ebony hair, which was a complete mess and untouched by hair-gel - or anything else in kind. It looked like he'd just gotten up from bed

He had an over-sized T-shirt on, which - sadly - hid his muscles from sight.

Beside him sat, as I said, The Giant. He was twice the size of the black-eyed one, with dirty blonde hair and a round face. He wasn't fat - just BIG. His upper body looked scarily strong, but his face made up for it with its child-like features. He was wearing a grey t-shit that I could have sworn was really supposed to be white. Along with that he wore a pair of too-small sweatpants and a pair of white trainers.

The third one of them was the color-boy. He was too tall for his body - and about the same height as the one with the black eyes. His bright red hair stood right out from his head, as if trying to escape. I tried not to giggle - I have the wierdest thoughts sometimes.

He had a pointy face and a big nose, but he pulled it of, and looked great despite his features. And thanks to the clothes he got peoples attention faster than his friends, and once you'd looked, it was hard to look away, because of his face. Somehow, I still managed to pull my gaze back to my hands and awkwardly switched footing. I glanced up at them once again, and they were looking at eachother instead of me, for once, and appeared to have a silent conversation that I wasn't allowed to hear.

I decided to interrupt them, and asked again:

"Who are you?"

I was proud of the fact that my voise didn't tremble. They all turned to me at the sound of my voise, surprise in their eyes. The red-head spoke first.

"I'm Darren. This is Blade and Cole." He pointed first at the boy with the burning eyes - Blade - and then at the big guy - Cole. Him sitting down didn't make any difference at all: he still looked huge. Both Cole and Darren smiled wide at me, but not the one called Blade. With a mental gasp and a sudden, odd urge to laugh i realised why he was glaring at me like that: he was the one I had kicked in the woods AFTER I had TRIPPED over him when he was, I asumed, enjoying a quite good nap on the soft forest floor. In my head I was lying on the floor, rolling around clutching my stomach in pain from laughing too hard, and at the same time trembling from the deathglare he was giving me.

But my face didn't tell my secrets, and neither did my hands when I looked back at him, square in the eyes. I saw then - which were quite a shock - that his eyes were as dark as his hair, a fact that had escaped me the other times I had met his gaze. They had seemed to burn then, as uncontrolable as the ocean, and I hadn't been able to see past that earlier. Those eyes hid many secrets, and I had a sudden longing to be trusted with them all.

I tore my eyes away from the hold he seemed to have over me just in time to hear Darren say:

"Now you know our names, but we still don't know yours."

I didn't want to reveal my real name to them as I couldn't trust them yet, and gave them a fake one.

"My name is Melody Foster. Why am I here?"

"You don't remember?"

"I remember it all. Why did you take me here?" I felt weak in the knees and my stomach hurt, and I realised that I hadn't had anything to eat in several days. It was a miracle I hadn't noticed before, for now I could barely keep myself standing- especially after all the running and stress I had done the last few days.

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