I ran away from home chpt 8

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I ran away from home...

-Chapter 8-

I didn't understand how the hell i could have ended up in here. OK, so I had been practically sleepwalking, but still... To sleep on the bathroom floor of a guy who probably hated me? Not so smart!

A movement drew my attention to the big bed, and my eyes immediately fell on the sleeping form spread all over it. Shit. Blade was here.

At the moment, he was asleep - but for how long would he stay that way?

I slowly tip-toed towards the door while closely looking and listening for movement or change in breathing. Every time the floor-boards creaked or I accidentally stumbled over some piece of clothing or a shoe, I froze completely for a few seconds. When I finally reached the door, I was almost sweating nerves. It felt like any second Blade would wake up and kill me for being in here.

As I eased out of the room -without as much as a single creek! Woohoo! - I thought I heard someone yawn. So I shut the door as fast as possible and almost ran through the halls to my room.

It appeared that in my dazed state I had turned left instead of right at the top of the stairs. I tell you, it was a miracle that I even found my way back to my room from where Blade's lay, but I guess miracles happen sometimes - it had got to be my turn, you'd think, after all this time, right?

Well in my room I thought I'd take a shower before going home to my dad's, so I did, and then got lost on my way down for breakfast. Really, no kidding - this place was huge! When I finally found my way down, led by the smell of frying beacon, I was greeted by an - as usual - cheery Darren and an - as usual - grumpy Blade. Usual, by the way? Who was I to judge, I had only been in this house... no, scratch that, been AWAKE in this house for what, two-three days all together? If even that. Maybe Blade usually went around giggling? The mere thought made me giggle in return, which caused the guys to stare at me as if I'd said I'd seen a blue elephant in the chimney. When I met Blade's gaze, I blushed, as I thought of how I'd slept in his bathroom. Damnit! And of course he thought I'd blushed because I liked him -as if! - it was apparent by the way he smirked as he averted his eyes back to his sandwich. And the anger at myself only got my face even redder.

I scowled as I took a seat across from him, while completely ignoring him for no other benefit that my ego's. Damn that boy could get on my nerve!

Darren, obviously feeling excluded in the whole ignoring-each-other-thingy that me and Blake were doing, decided to break it off by starting conversation. It didn't work that well, but I'll tell you roughly how it passed.

Darren: "So... Everybody slept well?"

this, of course, made me blush again, and I looked down at the table to conceal it, and Blade grunted (a very unattractive noise, by the way) in an undecided way, while casting a brief smirk in my direction, which made my face switch from red as a beet to white as snow (Shit! What if he actually knew where I'd unknowingly spent the night?)


Darren: "...Yeah... I slept like I pig, myself... So. Mel. Do you want something to eat, or are you just gonna sit there, watching us?"

Me: "I'm OK, I'm not very hungry in the mornings."

Darren: "Oh."

Five minutes of complete silence later, Darren left the room, stomping a little, and cursing under his breath something about "unsocial people who don't know how to dance". The last part made me frown. Dance? What the...? Oh, Lord, I do NOT want to know how that boy thinks, or I would never be able to fall asleep at night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2010 ⏰

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