Chapter 6

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Whitney's P.O.V:

Tomorrow is the 4th of July! A Parade and Fire works! I run into the living room where everyone is. Uncle Clint(Hawkeye) puts his hand up and I give him a high five. Then I run to Daddy and sit on his lap. He pulls me into his chest. The girls awe at the sight, even Aunt Natasha(Black Widow)! Bobby was snickering and taking pictures so I zap his phone with lighting. The Avengers who didn't see my mutation stare at me wide eyed. Everyone was in different conversations when Uncle Pietro, Aunt Wanda, and Peter go, "Oh. My. God." Everyone stares at them. Aunt Wanda is crying silently. I jump off Daddy's lap and run to her and hug her. Uncle Pietro and Peter rub her back. "What's going on?"Uncle Sam asks. Uncle Pietro sighs. "Our Mother is not dead. She escaped and had two children. Pietro 'Peter' Maximoff and Wanda Maximoff (Peter's sister from Days of Futures Past). She didn't even bother to see if we were dead and had kids to replace us most likely." He answers. Aunt Wanda cries harder, I don't blame her.  Uncle Clint gets up and walks over to us. I let go and Clint hugs her. "Hey, hey, hey. Sshh. It'll be okay. I'm going to help you and your," He stops for a second. "siblings throw this. I'm here for for you remember that." He says. The X-men are amazed that Uncle Clint can be like that. "Thank You Clint, you are like the father we lost when we were 10." Pietro says. The Avengers look surprised, even Uncle Clint. "You used my Name!" Uncle Clint says shocked.  Daddy leans over and whispers. "Why are the Avengers so shocked." "Uncle Pietro usually calls Uncle Clint Old Man." I whisper back. His mouth goes into an O shape. "I have an idea if you guys are up to it." Uncle Bruce says. We look at him. "If we bring Ms. Maximoff here, we can bring her into a room with cameras and mics hooked up. See what he does,"  Aunt Wanda cuts him. "To see if she even cares?" "Yes, and you three or two depending how Peter feels about this, we are your Family. We care about you." Uncle Bruce says. The Three Maximoffs agree as does evryone else. "Lets get this started shall we?" Papa Charles asks. 

~Next Day~

Peter is in a room with his Mom and little sister. "So uh," Peter tries to start. "Oh no." I say in the control room. "He's freezing up." Bobby says. "Go." Papa Charles says to me. I nod and go to the room.

~on the screen~

3rd person P.O.V: 

"Uncle Peter! Daddy needs you to watch me." Whitney says walking into the room. She winks at Peter. "Mom, Wanda this is Professor Summers' daughter Whitney. Whitney this is my Sister Wanda and my Mother Magda(The last name isn't Maximoff in the comics because she dies in child birth and the kids were given to Ms. Maximoff. But in this Her last name will be Maximoff)'Mag' Maximoff." Peter says. "She calls some of us here her Aunts and Uncles, only her favorites." He explains. Whitney sits next to him and squeezed his hand. "Mom, I have a question." Peter says. "Of course honey. Go ahead." Mag says. "Were me and Wanda named after anyone?" he asks. Mag freezes. "No...." She trails off.  Wanda and  Pietro walk in. "Oh really Mother?"  Wanda asks. She freezes more. "You two are alive?!" She asks, she sounds mad. "Yeah, we are. No thanks to you." Pietro says. "Who are they Mommy?" Little Wanda says. Peter super speeds and Picks little Wanda up. "This is your big sister Wanda, and you otherr Big Brother Pietro. We are named after them." Peter explains to his Little sister. Tony walks in and hands Mag a paper. "Pietro and Wanda, Have full custody of little Wanda and Peter.if you go near them with out their layer you will be arrested." Tony says. "Their stuff is already here or Avengers Tower. Please exit my school." Professor X says as he come in. Ms. Maximoff leaves and everyone watches Whitney and little Wanda play. 

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