Chapter 10

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Scott's P.O.V:

Finally I get my daughter to myself. I pick Whitney up and put her in her car seat in the back. "Where are we going Daddy?" She asks as I get in the drivers seat. "Anywhere but here for now honey." I answer her. "No really." She says. "The Carnival." I tell her. She squeals with happiness. I smile at her throw the rear view mirror. I pull up in the parking area. I turn in my seat to look at Whitney. "Whitney, no powers what so ever, Got it?" I ask. "Got it Daddy." She says back. I get out and go around and take her out. I pick her up and kiss her head. I bring her in and we play games and ride rides. Right now Whitney is eating cotton candy sitting next to me on a bench. I tap her right shoulder and she turns her head and I steal some of her cotton candy. "Daddy!" She giggles. Something feels off, like we're being watched. I stand up and pick up Whitney. "How about we go home and you can tell Papa Charles about our day at the carnival?" I ask Whitney as I walk us to the Exit. "Okay!"She says cuddling into my side. I kiss her head before I put her in her car seat. When I'm in the drivers seat I see her already sleeping in the rear view. A smile tugs it's way to my lips. My Angle. I have this weird feeling we're still being watched and followed. 'Professor?'   I ask in my head.

'Yes Scott?'

'I took Whitney to the carnival. And I had this feeling we were being watched. We are on our way back but I feel like we are being followed.'

'I'll have Logan watch for you.'

'Thank you Professor.'

'Your welcome Scott.'

I sigh and glance at Whitney in the rear view mirror. When I get to the Mansion I pull in far enough so the gates close. A few Minutes later Logan gets in the passenger seat. "There was someone following you but I couldn't see who it was." Logan says. I pull into the garage, Logan gets out of the car and I follow. I go around and take Whitney out. I carry her into the living room where everyone is. "Yep, we where being followed. I if it had anything to do with Whitney, I don't want her alone. And Everyone watch your backs." I say sitting down at the end of the couch next to Charles. "Yes everyone be careful, and Tell an Adult if you see something or someone out of the ordinary." Charles says. Whitney stirs a little in her sleep as I hold her protectively in my arms. After a while Storm calls us for dinner. "Whitney time for dinner." I shake her a little. "Okay." She yawns. During dinner everyone was talking about their day. "Daddy tricked me then stole my cotton candy!" Whitney was complaining to Alex. Alex smirks. "Like you use to do to me?" He asks. I nod my head and kiss Whitney's head and mess up Alex's hair. "Like what did Scott use to do to you?" Kitty asks. Now everyone at the table was looking at us. "When we were younger Scott would sit next to me and tap my right shoulder, while I looked away he would steal some of my cotton Candy are something. Now He's doing it to Whitney!" "Man, now at least I know to stay away from Scott when I'm at a Fair, sports game, or Carnival." Evan says. "Trust me he finds a way." Alex says. After dinner we all go to bed or to our rooms. Me and Whitney are cuddling on my bed when the door bell rings. "Let's go answer the door." I say picking her up. When we get down there Logan, Storm, and the Professor are right behind me Alex, Kitty, Kurt, Evan, and Rogue are at the Stairs. I open the door and there is Samantha Stark. "What are you doing here Samantha?" I ask her. "I'm taking my daughter from you disgusting Mutants." She says reaching for Whitney. Whitney flinches away. I step back for a moment. Alex notices Whitney's discomfort and takes her in his arms and sits on the stairs singing lowly to her comforting her. "Storm." I say. She gets what I'm saying and Leads Samantha to the living room. "Kitty, Kurt, Evan, Rogue. Bring Whitney to her room and Keep her in till I get that *Covers Whitney's ears* Bitch *Uncovers Whitney's ears*to leave." They nod and go to Whitney's room With Whitney. I pull out my Phone and call Stark.

Stark: What Scott, I'm in a debriefing.

Scott: With the rest of the Avengers?

Stark: Yes.

Scott: Put it on speaker.

Stark: It's on speaker.

Scott: Samantha Stark has been Stalking me and Whitney all day and she just showed up and is trying to take Whitney.

Stark(+ Avengers): WHAT!!!! 

Scott: I'm thinking to get a restraining order. Now any good lawyers?

Stark(Banner): My cousin Jenifer Walters is a very good lawyer. She only lost one case and It was the first one she did.  Her number is 283-3974(random number)

Scott: Thanks Bruce. I'll call her in a few. Whitney flinched when Samantha tried to touch her, tell me it's not what I think it is.

Stark(Thor): Lord Scott what we are about to tell you means you have to stay calm.

Scott: Okay.

Stark: Samantha abused Whitney.


Stark(Natasha): Scott?

Scott: Got to go, She's trying to get to Whitney.

I hang up and Storm into the living room. "Get out now and if you come back I'll have you arrested." I say in deadly voice. "Scott calm down." Alex tries. "I wont calm down, I just got off the phone with Tony. If you ever lay a hand on my daughter again, it wont be pretty." I say and storm out of the room leaving four angry adults with Samantha. I go into Whitney's room and hug her. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you Whitney, I love you so much Baby Girl, She will never touch you again." I say holding her. Tears falling freely down my face. The teens looked shocked. "Did she do anything that you didn't tell Uncle Tony or any one else?" She looks uncomfortable. "S-she let her boyfriend touch me in some places." She says now crying. Evan leaves the room the others follow him trying to stop him. I just Hold Whitney. The Professor tells me Samantha's gone because the kids tried to act her. I carry Whitney to the living room. Everyone hugs her and talk. It took almost everyone to keep Logan from going after her when Whitney told them what she let her boyfriend do. I bring Whitney to my room and cuddle with her all night. If Samantha tries anything again, I'll have her thrown in jail.  

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