She Just Might Be Burning For...

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A/N: The picture above is of Demo - and no, he's not the mystery guy. This isn't a werewolf story, so if that's what you were hoping for, ya came to the wrong neighborhood, mate! This story is a bit different, and I'm hoping you guys will give it a try anyways.

This chapter is dedicated to emilyxp ! Thank you for keeping up with both of my stories, and commenting and obsessing over both! Your support means so much! <3


After the incident a few days ago, he insisted on walking me home - to keep me safe, I guess. Although, I doubted that lightning would strike twice in the same night.

But I didn't mind his company.

In fact, there was a small flutter in my stomach when the idea of spending more time with him presented itself.

"So..." He started, making me glance up at him as we walked side by side. The usual cocky half-smile was present on his lips, drawing my attention to them. "Does saving your life give me the rights to the knowledge of your name?"

Ah, he was teasing.

"I'm afraid those right are only bestowed on the exceptionally worthy." I smiled up at him, my stomach fluttering again when he let out a small chuckle. "And you, sir, will part ways with me at the end of this night. There will be no need for exchanging names."

If he wasn't going to bring up what he knew I saw, I could pretend too.

"That's too bad. I bet you would have made mine sound beautiful with your accent." He shook his head, faking obscene remorse.

My lips pulled into an even wider grin. He had a good sense of humor, and I was thoroughly enjoying his company. No matter what price it came with.

"French, I assume?" He tilted his head to the side as he regarded me, waiting for confirmation.

"Born and raised." I agreed. "And you?"

"My father..." He cleared his throat, lifting his hand to form a fist in front of his mouth as he did so. " foreign. But I was born here."

"Intriguing." I breathed, because he was. More than anything.

He lifted a brow at me, and looked like he was about to say something, but thought otherwise, as we arrived to the little staircase, leading up to my building. "Well... this is me." I said, glancing up at him.

His full lips parted again as he drew in a deep breath. "I guess I should make sure there are no monsters hiding under your bed..."

It was an offer, if I'd ever seen one.

But to my surprise, I found myself nodding. "That would be very generous of you."

"Who said chivalry is dead..." He murmured more to himself, as he held the door open for me.

We made our way up to the third floor in silence, and after I pushed my key into the door, he once again held it open for me.

I felt the floor moving, even before Demo bounced up to us.

But before my giant husky-wolf mix could give me a hug like he usually did, he froze, staring at the man next to me. His eyes were fixed on him, teeth bared as he lowered his head slightly, placing his big feet apart.

I knew that position.

"Demo, down!" I ordered him in a firm voice. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into him! He's very well behaved, I promise!" I explained quickly, turning to the man next to me.

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