Won't Ya Please Make Way For A Very Special Guy (Halloween)

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A/N: Happy Halloween!

This chapter is dedicated to aa1118 . Because, you'll see ;)


"You look hot, Soph!" Ellie smiled at me through the mirror, as she pulled another one of my curls loose. She volunteered herself to help me get ready - since she was much more into the whole makeup-outfit-hair girly thing...

And Alexander, being himself, offered her an invitation as well, along with a date. Since Ellie was just as single and human interaction deprived as the rest of us med students, she didn't have a date. But one of our male classmates agreed to accompany her - even if only platonically.

"He's going to faint when he sees you!" She cheered, her wide lips pulled into a toothy grin. Very appropriately, Ellie wore a doctor uniform, with a stethoscope hanging around her neck. But to spice our everyday attire into a Halloween costume, she did her makeup in that gross zombie cut up sort of way.

Still, she looked adorable, and even half a gallon of fake blood smeared on her couldn't dull the sparkle in her large, blue eyes.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. You hardly look like reliable savior at the moment." A playful grin teased my lips as I pointed at the large bite-mark on her neck. She was so freakishly good, it actually did look like someone took a piece of her skin, and tore it right open.

"I can't control that everyone just wants a piece of me." She winked, turning me back to face the mirror so she could continue working on my hair.

The doorbell rang, interrupting us. My eyes darted to my friend through the mirror.

Ellie waved me off. "It's just Ken. I told him it would be fine to meet us here, so we could all arrive together and avoid the awkward waiting alone at the curb time if someone's late." She explained, already being halfway across the room.

I nodded, taking a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

This wasn't the first date I would have with Alexander. It wasn't like he hasn't seen me all dolled up. But there was just something... in pit of my stomach, twisting inside out at the thought of being in the same room with him.

That night, when he walked me to my door, he pushed me against it, his large, solid body holding mine hostage. I fully expected him to devour me - what with that look in his golden eyes...

But instead, he merely pressed his lips against my forehead for a few breaths, before pulling away. Xander practically ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time, as if the ground was on fire.

In truth, it was me who was on fire.

In fact, I stayed in that position, right where he left me, for a good ten minutes, just trying to get my heart rate under control. There was no way he didn't feel it hammering as he pushed me up against my door.

We haven't talked since, only texted a few times, to inform me about the date and time, and that I could bring my friend and a plus one - for her, he made that very clear.

"Jesus, Sophie, what kind of beast do you got in here?!" Ken's usually calm voice now sounded nearly high pitched.

Through the mirror, I saw Demo sniff him, and my colleague up against the wall - much like I was just a few nights ago - trying to get away from him.

"Demo, down." I said softly in French. My wolf-pup mix heard me, and obediently backed off, leaving a very shaken up Ken.

"Is it even legal to have pets like this in New York?!" He whined, before clearing his throat. "Actually, don't answer that. I know that it's not - well, not in this area. According to the rules of the city--"

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