But You Can Bet Before We're Through...

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A/N: As you may or may not know, my laptop broke last weekend - which is why this update is late. Of course, as my luck would have it, all my drafts and everything was wiped, because why the fuck not. (Excuse my French.) So I had to re-write this entire chapter and try my best to make it as awesome as it was the first time around. I apologize that this is somewhat shorter than usual, but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer.

New update by the end of the week - if my lucky stars will agree.

Love you, guys, thank you so much for reading - as always! This chapter is dedicated to CurvyGoddess ! Thank you beautiful for caring so much about my stories, you make my heart feel better! <3

Awesome, incredible, amazing cover was done by xvanakx ! Thank you so much once again <3


After I let go of Mr. Romanov - a blast, at last - I headed back to the reception desk, taking long strikes. "I need to go back to work. See you later, Kala!" I threw over my shoulder, not bothering to stop by, but headed straight to the elevators.

I needed to get away.

Ellie was half a head taller than me, and blessed with legs much longer than mine. She was inside the elevator with me in a few heartbeats. "Holy shit, Sophie!" She gaped at me, not bothering to hide her shock.

"I know." I nodded, laying a hand over my racing heart.

"What did he do?" She asked, lowering her voice as the elevator stopped at a floor in between and a few nurses got in with us.

I shook my head. If I were honest with myself, he hardly did anything. In fact, Mr. Romanov has been nothing but a gentleman - in his actions, at least. His words... Well, those I wouldn't repeat.

"Come on, Soph!" Ellie whined. "Give me something!"

I took a deep breath. "He completely ruined my name, Ellie. With one word, he ruined it for anyone else." I sounded like a lunatic, I was well aware. But the chills were still running up and down my back from the way he pronounced my name - my full name.

Ellie giggled. "With a mouth like that, I wouldn't be surprised if he completely fucked the shit out of it!"

My eyes widened, as I slapped a hand over her big mouth. The nurses turned their head to shoot us daggers over their shoulders.

"Ellie!" I hissed at her, keeping my hand in place, even after the other group departed the elevator. It never ceased to shock me how free American women were with their mouth. "I'll remove my hand, only if you'll behave."

Her blue eyes were dancing with humor, but she nodded. Slowly, I lowered my hold on her.

"But I was right, wasn't I?" She teased.

I couldn't help my goofy grin. "Yes. Yes, you were." I nodded, mostly to myself as we arrived in our floor.


Worked dragged on for another three hours. I ended up having to stay longer, because of a small emergency - not that that was anything new to me. This happened quite often in a hospital. Our work hours were hardly what they were supposed to be on paper.

Not that I minded. I loved helping people, and the feeling of being useful in assisting another human being was more reward than any paycheck would be. Of course, this was said by a student, who wasn't getting paid for her time here yet.

My only regret was leaving Demo alone for longer periods of time. I wasn't overly worried about my wolf's behavior, as much as his personal needs. He was a big animal, and he needed space to roam free around in.

Something that I wouldn't be able to provide for him for a few more years.

The sun was nearly in the middle of the sky by the time I walked out of the hospital. My eyes were puffy from the lack of sleep, and whatever makeup I bothered with beforehand has surely disintegrated by now.

I pulled the hood of my jacket tighter around my head, trying my best to block out the sunlight. After only seeing the inside of a dark hospital, the bright beams hurt my eyes.

"You sure are hard to keep up with." The voice came from right behind me, startling me completely. A jumped nearly a foot in the air.

Swirling around quickly, I nearly slammed right into his chest. I had to tilt my head back to look him in the eyes properly. "Okay, the hospital, I chalked up for lucky coincidence, but this-" I motioned between us. "-this is definitely stalking."

His full lips pulled into an even wider grin. "You're delightful in the morning, Sophia." There that was again...

I had no idea why hearing him say my full name affected me the way it did, but my reaction was bordering pathetic. I looked away, hoping my hood would hide the blush in my cheeks.

"I was hoping this would help." He said, in his rich, deep voice. I looked down at the content of his hands. I didn't even notice the two cups of steaming coffee he was holding. "Caramel macchiato, just the way you like it." He added, answering my unasked question.

Fantastic, so he wasn't only a stalker, but a mind reader as well.

My exhaustion kicked my pride to the side, and I laced my fingers around the cup he held out for me. "Thank you." I murmured under my nose as I turned to walk toward the subway.

I didn't have to look back to know he was following me. "So what is wrong with you, Mr. Romanov?" I asked, knowing he heard me when he chuckled.

"Straight to the point. I like that." He noted. "And call me Xander."

"Interesting name." We reached the subway, and it didn't escape me that Xander followed me down the stairs.

"It's Alexander."

I hummed to myself. Exotic and different. Just like him. "Very fitting." I admitted. "But you avoided my initial question."

From the corner of my eyes I saw his lips quirk up. "I'm assuming you're referring to my doctor's appointment." I nodded, because he paused. "Well, hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but I'm healthy as a horse."

I shook my head, keeping my stare fixed ahead. "I hate to break it to you, Xander..." I paused, and he seemed amused by me throwing his words back at him. "...but healthy people rarely go to see their very qualified and quite pricey doctor at five in the morning."

This time, he actually chuckled. It was a lovely sound, really. How annoying... "Dr. Belkin is an old family friend."

I was about to snap back with another quirky response when I felt my stomach grumble. Bless my lucky stars, it wasn't aloud, but I definitely felt the waves.

Xander's eyes drifted down my torso, before he looked back up at me. "I know an awesome breakfast place just around the corner from your apartment."

My face was in flames. He somehow heard my stomach.... How ladylike. I was mortified. "I'll be fine. I want to get home to Demo."

He nodded. "We can take it to go." Xander said, matter of factly. It didn't escape me that he didn't ask if I even wanted his company. He just somehow invited myself into my life.

For the second time around.

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