Chapter 3: Romantics

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Alex had been working a lot these days and she had started helping Nicky with the bar she owned. She missed spending time with Piper so she decided tonight would be a special night.

Meanwhile, Piper decided to call it a day with work at around 4. She checked her phone and saw she had a text from Alex.

It said, "Hey babe. Running a little late with work. Meet me at Central Park for dinner?"

Piper left the apartment and headed towards the subway. It took about 15 minutes for her to get to Times Square and then she started walking towards Central Park. She thought there was no way she'd find Alex, but there she was, sitting on a park bench, waiting for her Pipes.

"Hey, good looking."

Alex looked up from her book and saw her love. "Hey, love."

"So Central Park, huh?"

"Yeah, I grabbed some food and ---"

In the middle of her sentence, the clouds thundered and it started pouring. Neither of them had an umbrella with them because it wasn't supposed to rain that day. So they darted for cover. They didn't want to wait it out so they just decided to start running towards the subway.

Eventually, they reached the subway and found two seats. They were completely soaked. Piper was shivering, for it was November, so Alex put her arm around her and puller her in close to warm her up.

The subway reached their stop and they got off and headed for their apartment. It was still pouring, but they were already soaked, so it didn't matter at that point.

They reached their apartment and when they walked in, they changed into dry, warm clothes. Piper said she was going to get a shower, which was perfect for Alex.

Alex decided to throw on her love song playlist and set up a blanket in their living room. She put the Chinese take out cartons on the blanket, along with two plates and silverware.

Piper walked into the living room with a surprised look on her face ten minutes later.

"What's this?"

"Dinner", Alex said with a smile.

"Alex, it's great!"

"I wanted to have a picnic in the park, but the rain pretty much ruined that. So I figured why not have one here? I know I've been working late these days and haven't been able to see you much, so I wanted to make it up to you."

"It's perfect."

They kissed and had their dinner.

They went to bed that night and Piper and Alex were both pleased. Piper gave Alex a little something that night that had been a while for both of them. It may have been a while for them, but it still made both of their heads spin.

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