Chapter 6: Wedding Blues

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It was September 14, the day before Alex and Piper's wedding. They had their rehearsal dinner and all their friends and family came. Piper loved to play with her niece, Goodall, and to see her brother, Cal, who was surprisingly the only sane one in the family.

It was finally Piper and Alex's wedding day and it was perfect. The sun was shining. Nothing could ruin that day.

Everything was set up at Wave Hill and everything was in order.

The wedding got started around 2. "Thousand Years" by Christina Perri started playing as Nicky started to walk down the aisle. Then came Red a few seconds later. Everyone then stood up as soon as they saw Piper. Alex started to tear up when she saw the woman who she would soon marry. Piper was smiling and tearing up as well. Her father hadn't supported her decision, so her brother Cal had walked her down the aisle.

She reached Alex and they joined hands.

Before the pastor they found started the ceremony with the usual, "we are gathered here today", Alex said to Piper, "I have a surprise for you. Look at the front row."

Piper turned her head and there she saw Taystee, Daya, Poussey, Black Cindy, Morello, and Big Boo. They were all granted a furlough to attend Piper and Alex's wedding.

Piper was shocked. She fought back tears and said to Alex, "I love you."

Alex smiled.

The pastor started the ceremony. Piper and Alex vowed to love each other forever through sickness and health, to honor and obey each other until the day they died.

The time came for Piper and Alex to exchange vows. Piper started.

"When I first met you, I knew there was something about you that I wouldn't be able to forget. I told myself I could move on and you were just a phase, but love isn't just a phase. I promise to love you as long as I live and to be everything you need."

Alex was holding back tears.

"I never thought I'd be here standing in this moment. Not because I did drugs or didn't want to be here, but because I didn't think there would ever be anyone worth enough to stand here for. But I was wrong. Piper, you've changed something in me. If it weren't for you, I'd still be in that cartel or worse, probably dead. But you give me a reason to keep living. I could never stop loving you even if I tried. Years ago, I had drugs in my system that I didn't want to stop. It was an addiction that I never wanted to quit. But now, the only drug I can't quit is you. You are my addiction."

Piper was in tears. She knew Alex had truly changed and would never go back. And that made her feel invincible.

They said the "I Do's" and they were pronounced "The Vause's". Alex kissed Piper and the crowd applauded.

They walked down the aisle the happiest couple in the world. Piper didn't think she could be happier than this. She was mistaken.

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