Chapter 22

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For Dennis Hawkins, the night continued to grow more and more surreal as Zeke squeezed his hand and led him upstairs along with Frank. It seemed he was coming full circle, right back to where he and Frank had left off in the town park—bypassing the ugliness that had ensued in between.

Stepping into the Master bedroom, Dennis was struck with a sense of belonging. With both parents long gone and Randall Scott his only remaining blood relative—one which he had never connected with, nor much liked—Dennis had never really lived for anyone but himself, had never had someone to share his life with. For him, Marlene and Benny were his only true family, but he didn't get to spend the time with them that he would have liked; Randall had always been an obstacle.

Loneliness was often a close companion. To maintain his authority as Sheriff, he hadn't announced his sexual preferences. So, for the most part, he felt like he was living in the shadows of his true self, unable to seek an open relationship if he valued his job. Being a Sheriff was all he knew; what he loved. Despite the good folks who resided in Coldbrook, he'd been forced to consider that—if the truth of his sexuality came to light—he might very well be voted out as Sheriff. So he had carefully hidden that part of him away.

With the arrival of Frank Harlan and Zeke Matthews, his priorities had swiftly shifted. Being up close to the two men, sensing a mutual attraction between the three of them, it had struck him how deeply he longed for love, passion...heat. And this evening at the park with into their desire and had taken him to a place he'd never been before with anyone; a place he wanted to go to again...and never leave.

This place right here, he thought, as he gazed around the bedroom, his hand still encased in Zeke's grasp.

Zeke turned to Frank and pushed up on his toes, kissing Frank on the mouth. "Get him...warmed up." A small smile shadowed his lips that told Dennis there was meaning behind his words that only Frank truly understood. Although Dennis had an idea what he meant by warmed up.

Zeke left them and walked out of the bedroom.

"Warmed up?" Dennis raised an eyebrow curiously, then cleared his throat and smiled. "Not sure that's necessary." He felt fairly warm already.

"So you don't want me to?" Frank asked with a quirk of his lips.

"I didn't say that," Dennis laughed softly. As he stared at Frank, he considered Frank's protective demeanor from earlier. He stepped closer to the man and asked with uncertainty, "Are we good, Frank?"

Frank frowned. "What do you mean?"

Sighing, Dennis murmured, "When I arrived here tonight, I got the distinct feeling that maybe you viewed my presence as a..." he shrugged. "...a threat, maybe? Like I was possibly bringing trouble for you and Zeke. I don't know. But I've been in this profession long enough to know defensiveness when I see it." He shook his head. "I don't know why you thought I was here, or why you might think that I meant you or Zeke harm of any kind, but I assure you, Frank, I would never inflict grief on the either of you."

Frank stared at him, somewhat startled by his words.

"If, for whatever reason, you don't want me here..." Dennis said quietly. "I'll go. No hard feelings."

His frown deepening with puzzlement, Frank told him, "I don't really know what you're talking about, Dennis. If I made you feel like you weren't welcome...or that I somehow distrusted certainly wasn't intentional." He came forward and cupped Dennis' neck with both hands and kissed him softly. "Of course, I want you here," he whispered sincerely, then kissed him again. "And Zeke wants you here. In fact, just today he asked me if we could have you." He smiled and stroked his thumbs against Dennis' neck. "To keep for our very own." He brushed his lips lightly across Dennis' mouth. "To have and to hold...and to pleasure incessantly."

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