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The moment those words left my mouth I regretted them, but I was too far gone into this headspace to care.

Scott looked taken aback, then narrowed his eyes. "Really? Is that how we're playing this now, Mitchell?" He kept his distance from me, his words heated.

"Well, it's fucking true!" I replied, voice raised.

"So, what? Just gonna blame all of your problems on me? Just going to avoid taking responsibility? Real mature thing to do." He spat back.

I fought through the pain and got to my feet, leaning against the closet door frame, bruise on full display. "That's rich coming from you." I pointed at him.

"Oh. Right, because suddenly, I am an adult who can't be on his own. You showed us all how mature you really are yesterday when you left without a word."

"And I regret that fucking decision a lot." I snarled, raising a hand to brush over my tender skin, then dropped it to lift up my shirt, showing off the marks on my still cold skin.

"Where the fuck did you go?" He growled, eyes flicking back and forth from my face to torso, from hip to hip.

"Why do you suddenly care!?" I yelled at him, shirt dropping down to hide the marks. I made no sense to myself as I argued with him, all of my points not really fitting together, but I didn't care.

"Because I have always cared, Mitchell. But you never seemed to realize." His voice dropped down to a whisper, his stature sagging. "You were so set on believing that no one cares for you. That voice in your head lies to you and you let it. You believe every word it says, no matter how many times someone tries to tell you it's not true."

Me!? Lie?! Fuck no! Who the hell does he think he is, standing in your room, scolding you!?

I just looked away from him, not trusting my mouth to say the right words as my anger slowly slipped away and I felt the weight of what I had just done. I couldn't apologize, because why would he believe that it was sincere? Why would he believe that after all of that, I was sorry?

I simply pointed to the door. "Fine. Then leave. You don't have to worry for me anymore. Whatever debt you feel you owe me, you are released from it. Now you can live your life how you want to." I still didn't look at him as he walked to the door.

"I will never abandon you, Munchie, but you need some time. Know that I will always come back for you, no matter far how far you disappear. Good bye." With that, I was alone. The house, the moment he walked out, was silent. Then, it wasn't. I dropped to the floor and began to cry.

What had I done?

I looked to side and saw the large mirror standing up in the corner, mocking me.

I struggled to my feet, stumbled over, grabbed it, and threw it against the wall. The glass shattered, littering the dark carpet. It wasn't the only thing I threw. Glass from picture frames joined the mirror shards.

Finally, I collapsed onto my bed and let myself cry.

Look at that. Very short chapter. I don't like how short it is, but all that needs to be said, has need said, in this part anyway. We draw every closer to the end of the book.

Y'all want Book Three? Answer determines outcome of Book Two.

Oh, and stay Sexy

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