End of Found

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So, as you all know, Found is finished. But! As per usual, guess what! Book 3! It is called Home and should be up soon. I won't tell you anything about it. Just that it will be up soon after this is posted.

What have you thought about the two books so far? Are they good? Would you recommend them? Are they interesting to read?

I will promise you now that book three will be so much more Light than these two. Considerably more, in fact.

For Home, I need two characters, a Girl and a Boy, that will take place in this story and have a huge part to play. Comment or PM me the suggestions if you have character names, looks, or even something as simple as skin color.

I love you all so much for sticking through me with this, and whoever it was that wrote that wrote that long, beautiful answer to one of my various questions, I love you lots and thank you so very much for telling me that.

Oh, and stay Sexy

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