Coffee Addict?

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Grace stretched out on her bed and closed her eyes. The sun shone on her face through the window. She was fully dressed for the day but felt like she needed a few minutes to gather her courage before she left the privacy of her borrowed room. Yesterday, had been difficult for Grace. She thought she was coming to terms with her father's death but seeing that barn... remembering him... Tears slid down her face and made wet spots on her white pillowcase. The wheat she and her father had worked so hard to plant was now coming ready for harvesting and yet there was nobody to take it in. Grace knew she should go and bring it in. It was rightfully her responsibility now that her father had passed. But to go back to the claim? To work in and see that barn? Grace squeezed her eyes tightly shut, trying to block out the pain and heartache that seemed to wrack her body. She must get up. Today was a new day with new responsibilities. She must get at it. Even though she knew what she must do, Grace didn't move from her bed.

A tapping noise came from the door. "Grace?" Vance called.

Grace swallowed before she stood and pasted a smile on her face. "Yes?" She called as she wiped the tears from her face. She would let know one know she was crying. Strength was the key to survival.

"Ma said to tell you that she made some coffee if you want it."

"Thank you." Grace answered softly. She wasn't used to such kindness, usually she made her own coffee. Mary Anne had been so very kind to her, especially since her father's death.

"Are you okay?" Vance asked.

"Of course." Grace opened her door and smiled at Vance. "It was kind of your ma to make coffee.

"Well, after my third cup, she told me I better fetch you so you could have some before it was gone."

Grace chuckled. "I see, well then, let's hurry so you can get back to your coffee."

"After you." Vance said, gesturing for her to precede him down the stairs.

"There you are, Gracie." Mary Anne turned with a smile. "Come have some coffee before Vance Pants drinks it all."

"Mother." Vance grumbled.

Mary Anne shrugged. "Sorry, dear. I haven't thought of a nickname mature enough yet." She pinched Vance's cheek affectionately, "so until I do, it'll be Vance Pants.

Shaking his head, Vance took his seat at the table and cupped his mug with his hands. "She'll never think of another name." He mumbled to Grace.

Grace nodded and couldn't help the smile the touched her lips. "I can understand it, if I had a cute little boy I'd want to call him endearing nicknames too."

"That's cute when you're five." Vance protested, "Trouble is, children outgrow those kind of things but ma's don't."

"Stop the fussing, Vance." Mary Anne scolded. "Someday you'll have children of your own and you'll understand."

Vance raised an eyebrow at him mother surprised she would even suggest such a thing. She knew the story of him and Olga. Why would she even-

"It might happen, Vance." Mary Anne glanced at Grace and smiled before she turned back to her son. "You just gotta have faith."

Vance stood and finished the last of his coffee in one hot gulp. "I'll see you around sundown. Have a nice day, ladies."

The door slammed shut behind Vance. Mary Anne turned to Grace with a smile. "He's had a bit of a rough time but he needs to move on. It's the only way, you know."

"I'm sure." Grace agreed as she finished her coffee. "Mary Anne, I think I may need to go back to the farm for a while."

"Oh no, dear."  Mary Anne stood up and wrapped Grace in a big hug. "You're going to stay here, I won't have you staying on the farm so from town and by yourself too! No, no." Mary Anne said pulling back enough to look Grace in the eye.  "You're staying here. That's final, dear."

Grace shook her head and pulled Mary Anne back for a hug. "You have been so kind to me." She said against her shoulder. "You've been like a ma to me, Mary Anne. I can never thank you enough for what you've been to me."

"Oh Gracie." Mary Anne rubbed the girls back gently. "I've always thought of you and your pa as family."

Grace pulled back to look at the older gray haired woman. "I figured I need to go back and harvest our wheat though. It's a shame to let it go to waste especially when good folks could use it."

"Oh, so you don't want to leave for good?"

"No." Grace shook her head with a smile. "I just need to-"

"Well don't you worry about that!" Mary Anne exclaimed. "I'll ask Susan to watch the store for a couple days and we'll all go to your farm and harvest your wheat?"


"Of course! You can't do it by yourself, dear. Vance and I will help!" I'll start packing the stuff we'll need. You track down Vance and tell him to come home."

Grace stood on the sidewalk outside of the general store and looked around. Where should she begin her search for Vance. He didn't say where he was going or what he was going to do. Grace didn't think he was the sort to wallow around in the saloon all day. Grace moves toward the jail, perhaps the sheriff might know where she should begin her search. Grace knocked on the wooden door. "Sheriff?" She called.
There was no answer. She knocked again. Still nothing. Turning, she eyed the town again. Where would  he be? Her eyes landed on the saloon again. It was pretty dead this time of morning. Maybe, she'd just peek in. Just to eliminate it from her list.

She walked into the dim saloon and waited for her eyes to adjust. The bar keep was sweeping the floor, he paused in his work to eye the strange woman. There weren't many ladies that entered the saloon fully dressed.

"You looking for work, little darlin'"

"No, " Grace said as she walked towards the man. "I'm searching for a name by the name of Vance Mcvone. Have you seen him?"

The fellow with the broom chuckled. "Sure, he came by for some coffee. He had a fishin pole with him, I figure he's headed to the pond."

"Thank you." Turning Grace hurried from the saloon. "One things for sure and certain," Grace mumbled as she headed for the pond. "Vance Mcvone can sure hold a powerful amount of coffee. Must be why he's so tall." She mused as she continued her trek.

Vance opened his eyes but what he saw made him think they were still closed and he was dreaming.

There she was, the woman he was trying to avoid was walking down to the pond, her yellow calico dress fluttering on the light breeze, a daisy tucked behind one ear. She looked like a flower princess, so pretty and dainty. She was sweet too- Vance shook his head. This is crazy he is never gonna get this girl from his head. Just the sight of her made his heart start beating double time and then his mother today suggesting that Grace and he- that he and Grace.

"There you are." Grace smiled at him. "I've been searching for you."

"Seems you found me."

"Your ma wants you to come home."

"I just started fishing." Vance protested, it is difficult to do anything fun with a woman standing behind you telling you what you should be doing. Mother's. She probably sensed him relaxing in the cool grass.

"It isn't an emergency or anything." Grace said as she eyes his fishing pole in the water. She glanced at him to find his green eyes studying her. "Would you mind terribly if I were to join you in fishing?"

"You fish?"

"My pa taught me, although I haven't been in so long. Do you

"You don't have a pole."

"I can make one of you'll lend me a hook and some fishing line."

Vance shrugged. "Suit yourself." This would be an interesting day, he thought to himself as he watched her search for the perfect branch.


Thanks for reading. Please feel free to check out the super long message I left on my conversations board
Concerning this story. Any help is greatly appreciated! Cheers!
-Lady R

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