Whiskey Talks

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This chapter is dedicated to Horses113 for the fabulous setup so Vance could share his story . Thanks for the suggestion, Horses113 ! :-) Happy reading ya'll!

Gracie smiled  she filled a sack full of flour, sugar, and coffee. They were nearly done preparing for their farm journey and Grace was rather surprised and equally delighted by Vance's behavior. Even his mother noted his rather odd cheerfulness. Grace maintained her innocent replies to Mary Anne's questions but even so she was sure his happiness stemmed from his stolen kisses the day before.

That could only be the reason why his usual frown had turned into secretive winks and teasing remarks. At least, that's what Grace tried to convince herself of. In reality, she was sure that their time fishing  meant more to her then it ever would to him. Grace tried to shrug it off. Vance was only amusing himself during his visit. The time at the pond meant nothing, the kisses were just ... heartbreakingly sweet. A tear trickled down Grace's cheek as her thoughts turned to her daddy. Nope, it didn't mean anything... And even if
by some odd chance it did well.. In the end it didn't matter. Grace knew all too well what happened when you loved someone. They hurt you, even though they didn't intend, to the pain was inevitable.

"Hey Gracie Girl," Vance said as he walked into the kitchen. "You got enough sugar in there?"

"Sugar?" Grace asked as she brushed a remaining tear from her cheek. "I think so.." She trailed off as she looked into the bag that held the sugar.

"No matter. " Vance replied with a wink. "If we run out, I can always get my sugar from other places." His eyes dropped knowingly to her lips as he ran the tip of his tongue rather seductively over his lips. "Better hurry up, mama's ready to leave." Vance left the kitchen, Leaving Grace hyperventilating near the table. Vance was going to be the death of her! He would, she just knew it! My Lord! What was a girl to think or do when he went around making insinuations like that! "Remember your father, Gracie." She repeated that to herself as she grabbed the last bag of provisions and ran to the waiting wagon.
Vance smiled in satisfaction as he reviewed there days work. They had been at the farm for nearly two days and had accomplished more than he had expected. Vance had been skeptical with only his and Grace's help but he was pleasantly surprised to discover that she was a fast and hard worker. And it helped that she was a pretty sight too. Oh, Vance knew she probably felt ridiculous wearing a pair of boys denims  with her shirtwaist and a hat but it was a heap more practical then her long warm skirts.

She was dusty, and sore and her nose was burned but Vance thought she looked like an angel. And despite the long hard days spent in the fields. Vance never heard a complaint pass through her lips. She put him in the mind of  the book of proverbs... The chapter that described a wise woman and a good wife.

Wife?! His motions stilled as he realized where his thoughts had gone. Wife was quite a bit different then just stealing kisses at the pond.

Come to think of it, Grace had been acting rather odd since the day they were fishing. If Vance didn't know better he's say she was doing her best to avoid him. She always went to bed much sooner then every one else, of course the hard work might lend to her early bedtime.  But she refused to take that walk with him yesterday. He couldn't remember what excuse she had used but it was a flimsy one.

"And she hasn't even baked me one cookie." Vance mumbled as he looked to were Grace silently worked. An idea began to take root in his mind. Yessiree, the girl was avoiding him but when he finished she wouldn't be able to avoid him for the rest of her life!

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