The Ranger

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Grace couldn't even look at Mary Anne. She, still sitting on the counter, chose to  bury her face in Vance's back while he turned to address his mama.

"Mama." He scolded. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Me!" Mary Anne huffed. "What are you doing  molesting Grace in the middle of the night?"

"I wasn't molesting her, we were making cookies."

"Cookies? Is that what the young folks are calling it today." Mary Anne was properly horrified at seeing her son and Grace exchanging salvia in the kitchen. But a bigger part of her was thrilled that she caught them. They way Grace was kissing Vance back, Mary Anne knew this way not a isolated event. Grace would never have the courage to kiss a man thus unless she already had experience and acceptance. Besides the fact that Grace had never had a beau, Mary Anne was fairly certain that it had been Vance that had taught her to kiss him that way. All of these thoughts led to her delight in catching the couple, she truly could see them being good for each other. She knew that Vance was exactly what Grace needed and vice versa. Even so, she had a mother figure to uphold. "Vance?"

Vance shrugged, his grin never leaving his face. "They needed more sugar."

Mary Anne rolled her eyes. "I'm going to have some tea, you two can finish your cookies." She informed them, fetching the kettle.

Vance couldn't contain his grin, he could feel Grace's face pressed against his back. Her small hands were clenching the fabric at his waist. And she was giggling. Oh his back caught most of the sound but he could feel her shaking in giggles against him.
Stepping away from her, Vance turned and smirked at the giggling girl on the counter. "Something funny, baby?" He asked stepping closer.

Grace giggled, "Step away, your mom will be back with the water."

"Maybe I wasn't done kissing you." Vance pressed a kiss to Grace's forehead.

Grace smiled at him. "Your ma is never going to want to see me again."

"Why's that?" Vance kissed her jaw twice.

"Would you want to see some girl kissing your son in the dead of the night?"

"Hmmm, my son takes after me I see."

Grace giggled, "Vance, that's not what I meant."

"You still going to make me cookies?"

"Only if you help." Grace slid off the counter and straightened her apron.

"You want flour added, right?"

"Yes." Grace answered while she prepared the cookie sheet.

"Now this is how you make cookies." Mary Anne said with a teasing smile as she entered the kitchen. She put the kettle on the stove top and fetched a cup.

Vance smiled as he watched Grace mix the dough. He was exhausted, it was late and he was tired from a hard days work but he had never felt happier then he did in this moment. This small domestic scene did so much to add peace to his troubled soul and in that moment, Vance felt at home. A smile spread across his face as he realized what actions he would take if he wanted to keep this moment forever.. "Till death do us part." He muttered.

"What's that?" Grace asked looking up from the dough.

"I said you have a very straight part." He nodded to her hair. "Grace, do you mind if I ask about your pa?"

"Why would you do that?" Grace paused, pain ran through her though it wasn't the normal kind that accompanied thoughts of her father. This was different some how. Usually she felt the pain of abandonment, a fear that he didn't love her. But when Vance mentioned her father, it wast that type of pain that filled her, it was a pain of his not being.. A sense of profound loss.

"He was a revered man among the ranger's. A man among men. But you never speak of him. I wondered why. Wasn't he a good father to you?"

"He was the best of fathers." Grace defended quickly. "He raised me well after mama died. He was my best friend." A sad lost look took over her face as she remembered the last time she had seen her father alive. The gift he had given her, his reassurance of love and affection. His teasing her about pumpkin pancakes, his boisterous laughter when he was completely amused. The sparkle in his eye when he would talk about the old days. "He made one mistake though." Grace finally said, bringing her thoughts back to the present and the cookie dough.

"Which was?"

"He let the pain of everything he endured consume him.. His injury and lack of mobility. The loss of his wife. He brooded on all of that until there was no room left for life." Grace looked up and forced a small smile. "I used to think that he killed himself because he didn't love me enough. But now... I don't think it was because of that at all."

"Why?" Vance frowned, Grace seemed to have come to a realization of sorts and he was curious what she had discovered. She stood just a bit taller and for some reason, she didn't look as weighed down as she had since he met her.

"He just let it eat him up inside until there was no hope left. He put on a show for me but inside.. He died long before his body did."

"He loved you, Gracie. Even to the end, he loved you." Vance murmured as he stepped closer, he put his hands on Grace's forearms and peered down into her face. "The note he left my pa speaks firmly of his love and desire for you to be happy."

Grace nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around Vance and buried her face in his chest. Vance held her tightly, letting her cry a bit before he kissed the top of her head. "Hey,baby." He murmured against her hair. "Wanna go outside for some moonlight sparking?"

Grace looked up in surprise while laughter bubbled up. "But it's so late."

"Time doesn't matter when you spend it with a loved one."

"Am I a loved one, Vance?" Grace asked.

Vance studied her features, she was honest in her question and it tugged at his heart like he'd never known was possible.  "You are, baby. You are."

"Go on with you then, I'll finish the cookies." Mary Anne announced standing up from the table. "But Vance.. You mind your manners."

"Oh he will." Grace promised with a smile.

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