Flirting with Cookies

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Grace grinned as she proudly held her fish up, showing Vance her latest catch. "That's four for me and-"

"I know." Vance grumbled. This day of fishing had turned out fantastic. Apparently, Grace was quite the expert fisherman. She was very proud of all her fish filling his bucket. Oh she didn't catch all the fish, Vance had caught some too. Unlike her fish though, he had to through his fish back. They were far to small to be used for dinner.
Grace giggled as she added her most recent fish to the bucket. "You're just sore because I'm better at fishing." She responded as she sat back down on the grassy bank next to him. She had her shoes and stockings off and she was enjoying the feel of the soft cool grass on her feet. Vance also had his boots off and his shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. It was a struggle for Grace to keep her eyes and mind off the strong muscular arms that held the pole beside her. She wondered what it would feel like to have those- shaking her head in disgust she returned her attention to her own pole.

Vance risked a glance toward Grace. She was so pretty! And a master at fishing! She sat on the grass, her knees drawn up to her chest. Ten small toes peeped out from beneath her dress. He couldn't believe the woman beside him. Not only did she fish but she also baited her own hook and offered to clean the fish and cook them when they returned! This was a girl like no other. Those dang toes! She should cover herself up before he was tempted into doing something stupid! "We probably should head back, we have enough for dinner I think." He grumbled with another frown toward Grace's feet.

Giggling, Grace hopped up and pulled her line from the water. "This was such fun, Vance Romance! It's just how it was with my father." Grace sighed with delight as she pick d up the bucket of fish.

Vance straightened and turned, surprise coloring his thoughts and expression. "What did you call me?"

Grace paused as she looked back at Vance, her brows furrowed together. "I- I don't know-"

Vance narrowed his eyes as he moved closer, "It sounded like you called me Vance Romance." He murmured searching her eyes.

Grace felt a blush creeping up her cheeks as she turned her head away, " I guess so." She muttered.

Vance caught her chin in his hand and raised it so he could see her face. "Why, Gracie?"

"I-I don't know. It just slipped out."

"Nobody except my mother has called me anything but my true name." Vance murmured as he became lost in studying her feature up close. She was a beautiful woman, here eyes were soft and warm. Looking into them, Vance saw an entrancing depth of dark brown pools that seems endless. And her lips- Her lips were so dang kissable, unable to resist Vance bent and pressed his lips against hers. They were as soft as they appeared. Pulling back slightly, Vance licked his lips before using his tongue to trace her bottom lip. She was so close to him, he could feel the small shudder that went through her. He did it again and smiled against her lips when she again shuddered and leaned closer to him. He kissed the corner of her mouth, then teasingly kissed her upper lip once...twice..

Grace pulled back, her whole body nearly shaking. "We ought at get back." She stuttered, "Your mom needs to talk to you."

Still staring at the little vixen, Vance sighed as he watched Grave pick up the pail of fish. With a small shake of his head, he mused that she caught more than fish that day. With a sigh, Vance followed her back to his mothers house.

"There you two are!" Mary Anne scolded as she pulled a sheet of cookies from the oven. "You had me worried nearly to death!"

Vance chuckled as he bent to kiss his mother's cheek. "You don't act worried." He said sneaking a hot cookie from the sheet.

"You know I bake when I'm worried!" Mary Anne protested as she slapped Vance on the hand causing him to drop his afternoon snack.

"Ma!" He complained.

"You hush, I won't have you spoiling your supper." She was relentless in her decision as she sat the cookies out to cool. "Now have a seat. We have something o discuss."

"Would it same time if I just agreed so we could get to the cookies?" Vance asked, his eyes never leaving the cooling sheet.

Mary Anne clucked her tongue in disapproval as she motioned for Grace take a seat. "We should take a trip."

Vance blinked at his mother. "A trip? Where?"

"My f-father's farm." Grace ventured as she met Vance's eyes across the table. They fairly burned with heat and Grace was hard pressed to hold his gaze as she explained. Just a few moments before he has been kissing her face and making her blush. "The wheat needs to be harvested, I won't have it wasting and you ma suggested that you may help me."

"I see." Vance turned to face his mother. She had sat quietly watching as a blushing Gracie talked to her son. "And what exactly was your plan, ma?"

"I figured we could move out to the farm for a week or so. It would be much easier if we didn't have the long drive back and forth. "

"And how many do you have helping with this harvest?"

Grace cleared her throat as his smoldering eyes landed on her again. He appeared to be laughing although not a sound left him. His lips were turned up in a smirk and Grace nearly gasped when he winked at her! "Three... If you agree that is." She stammered. Blast him! Why did he keep looking at her like that?

"Well, I suppose I can assist. Shall we head out tomorrow? "

"I was thinking the day after," Mary Anne explained, "we'll need time to gather out things and food for the week."

"Okay then." Vance said standing as he walked to the cookie sheet. He chose a cookie and then held it near Grace's mouth.

Flicking her eyes upward to see his face, Grace took a small bite from the warm cookie. She closed her eyes as the delightful flavors washed over her tongue. When she opened her eyes she was surprised to see Vance taking a bite from the same cookie she had bitten!

"You just be sure to keep your cookie jar, Gracie, and I'll exceed every expectation you've ever had for hired help."

"But I didn't hire you." She stuttered.

"True." Vance chucked her chin. "Then you better keep two cookie jars full. Can't have the help getting cranky." He called over his shoulder as he left the kitchen.

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