The Farm

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"Vance!" Grace called when she spied him walking near the horse fence.

Vance paused and looked around. He'd heard his name but there wasn't anybody around. It was nearly dark and  both Grace and his ma were in fixing dinner.  He sure hoped Gracie would make him some cookies soon. His mouth was simply watering for the warm, sweet, intoxicating cookies that she baked. Vance shook his head and chuckled. Who was he kidding? It wasn't the cookies his mouth was watering for, it was Grace plain and simple.

"Vance!" Grace called again. "Can you fetch an egg from the barn?"

Vance grinned. Eggs went into cookies, he was sure if it! Could he fetch an egg? If it was for cookies he surely could. Vance carried his saddle into the barn and hung it neatly before he moved toward the stall that the chickens preferred. 

Someone grabbed his shirt and gave a mighty yank, making him collide with a small soft body.

"What took you so long?" Grace mumbled as she pulled his head down and stood on her toes to reach his lips.

A smile spread across Vance's lips. He wrapped his arms around Grace pulling her into him. His hands gripped her cheeks lightly, tipping her face upward as he proceeded to take control of her kiss, ravishing her lips with his affections.

"You drug me in the barn to kiss me?"  Vance murmured as he moved his lips to her neck kissing and nibbling.

"You walked into the barn yourself." Grace whispered, her head fell back allowing him further access to her neck. "I just pulled you into the stall."

"I thought you were making me cookies."

Grace pulled back slightly, "You'd rather have cookies than my kisses?"

"Nope." Vance said stealing another kiss from her swollen pink lips. "I'd rather have both."

"Vance? Grace?" They heard Mary Anne calling from the cabin.

"I think we've been gone too long." Vance said as he snuck another kiss for the road.

"Come on, before she gets suspicious."

"Suspicious? Baby, she's already planning a wedding."

Grace gasped as Vance walked away chuckling. Blushing furiously, her lips still tingling from his affection Grace ran to catch up with Vance.

"There you two are. " Mary Anne scolded. "I swear you two spend more time missing than anything else." Her eyes scanned Grace's calico dress. "At least you're properly clothed this time."

Grace blushed pink while Vance chuckled and took a seat at the table. "You won't be fussing so much later on, will you mama?"

"Not as long as you hold up to your end of the deal." Mary Anne warned shaking her spoon at Vance.

"What deal?" Grace asked as she placed a water glass near each place mat.

"Never you mind." Mary Anne replied as she sat bowl of food on the table.  "Now Vance, say grace." She instructed as she and Grace took their seat at the table.

Vance smirked before taking his seat as well. Mary Anne and Grace bowed their heads while Vance, still smirking  and looking directly at one lady in particular said, "Grace."

Both female heads came up at once. Grace couldn't help but giggle while Mary Anne started in on scolding her son.

A grin still on his face, Vance finally bowed his head and began. "Lord, we thank you for the food that we have available to us this night and for the happy hands that prepared it. We beg you to forgive our trespasses as we forgive each other's. If you see fit, please encourage Grace to do some baking soon, cookies in particular. Like to ask that you hold the weather nice, if that's possible so none of the fine wheat you grew goes to waste. We pray all these things in Jesus name, Amen."

Grace let out a slow shuddering breath after his Amen. It had been so hard not to giggle during his heartfelt but rather humorous grace. Mary Anne hardly seemed pleased by his words but seven she smiled a bit when he finally concluded his conversation with God.

"How is the harvesting coming along?" Mary Anne asked as she dishes potatoes onto her plate.

"If the weather holds, we'll be done very soon. " Grace announced with a smile. It was long difficult got work, but Grace felt a bit of pride in what the two of them had accomplished in just a few days. It almost made her think that she could accomplish anything with Vance helping her.

"This is a nice farm, great soil." Vance commented. "Was you offer still up, Grace?"

"About selling you the farm?"


"Of course, if you truly want it." Grace replied.

"I do. It's been nice here these past days. The cabin is sturdy, the barn spacious. The fields and soil are productive. The fences need a little work but I think this place has potential. It would be a nice farm for a family starting out."

Mary Anne smiled at his last words. Her cold hard son was thinking of a family now. Mary Anne never thought she'd see the day when a woman would send Vance to thinking about a family and yet she was glad! A quick glance at Grace however sent a from back to her lips. The girls head was ducked, her eyes kept squarely on her plate while she agreed with Vance. If Mary Anne didn't know any better she would say Grace was feeling a but jealous. She held no enthusiasm over Vance's words but rather they made her seem sad. Mary Anne shook her head, Grace was clueless. Absolutely clueless.

Vance rolled over in bed, but a noise from downstairs made him sit up. Was somebody in the kitchen? Curiosity getting the better of him, he climbed from bed and pulled a pair of denims on. He walked down the stairs fastening them as he went. Sure enough, there was a lantern shining from the kitchen. Vance tiptoes to the door way and what he saw made him smile.

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