Chapter Six

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Ciel's POV

It seemed like hours before Sebastian came into my study again.

"Have you separated them like I asked?"

Sebastian smiled, "Yes... but at a price."

"A price? What in god's name do I have to do Sebastian?"

Sebastian looked amused. "I sent Miss Elizabeth off to the city to prepare for a midnight date with you, which I will arrange for you, of course, but now if you wish, you may have time alone with Miss Bethany."

I looked shocked. "I never agreed to go on a date with Elizabeth!"

"My lord, you asked me to separate them. I told you it would be no easy task. You insisted. This is your consequences for what you desire."

"Take me to her. I have no time to waste." I stand up from my chair and brush the dust off my clothes.

"At once, my lord. Follow me."

Bethany's POV

My tea was not gone for long when a young boy in a fancy emerald dresscoat and navy blue hair walked into the room with the butler. The most peculiar thing about him was the eyepatch. Judging by the way Sebastian was treating him, this was Lord Ciel Phantomhive.

He sat on an opposite couch and asked Sebastian for some more tea.

"Good afternoon, Miss Bethany."

I was take aback, but quickly regained my composure. Of course the butler would tell his master who I am.

"Good afternoon, Lord Phantomhive."

"Please, call me Ciel. My father is forevermore Lord Phantomhive to me."

I felt complete embarrassment and blushed.

"Oh of course! Silly me. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ciel. I am honored to know the young man who will someday be my brother."

"You speak of Elizabeth. I will not lie to you and say that I love her, but I'll treat her well."

My heart started racing. He doesn't love my sister? Does she know that? I got tingly feelings in my heart for some reason.

"Thank you, Ciel. You are all my sister has ever dreamed of. She speaks of you all through the night."

"You seem shy, Miss Bethany. Have you not dined with a gentleman before?"

"Truly, Ciel, I have not ventured outside my estate since I was three years old. I have sickness of the lungs."

For a moment, Ciel looked pained at the mention of my illness, but he regained his almost cold composure.

"Miss Bethany, would you like to play a game of chess?"

As I agreed, the time went by. I was, by far, the worst player he had ever played against, but I learned as he taught me.

All too soon, Sebastian came into the room informing Ciel that Elizabeth had returned and was in Mey-Rin's room getting ready. Ciel excused himself and swore to me that we would play again.

I couldn't go with Elizabeth on her date with Ciel, so the carriage took me home alone. Ciel, apparently, left orders that his own carriage would bring my sister home.

I was uneasy with the thought of my sister going into a date with a young man she liked when he confessed to me that he didn't like her that way. Yet, what made me more uneasy was that I was starting to become jealous of my sister.

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