Chapter Twenty

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Sebastian POV

A bare crimson glazed upon the books on the shelf. The curtains on the windows were drawn, leaving the shadow of the young master before me on it. He sat at his desk, hands clasped and leaning his head against them. A chessboard was in front of him, the pieces in their starting positions.

"I believe it is your move first, Sebastian." His cold emotionless voice broke the silence. Only a demon such as myself could've seen his lips move in this dim light. Before entering this room, I had made sure that we would be alone.

I moved my first pawn forward, glancing at the young master's face. He was neutral, as always. "I have received word that Lady Bethany's new tutor will arrive tomorrow."

The young master took his time, pondering the movement of his piece. When his fingertips finally grazed the marble, he murmured under his breath, "Your sources are reliable?" With his pawn moved forward, it was my turn.

With confidence, I replied to him, "Indeed, they are reliable. Their lives depend on it being true." I gloved the right knight piece and brought it two spaces forward and to the left.

We both moved piece after piece, discussing what we knew about Mr. Blakely.

"In those reports you handed me, it said he attended a university in the field of medicine, but it wasn't much more detailed than that." Ciel sighed, placing a foot onto his knee.

As our chess match drew to a close, the young master said this to me, "Keep an eye on him at all times, but you may not interfere unless he touches or harms Bethany."

With a smirk, I asked him, "Are you expecting he will do something to Lady Bethany?" If he does, I will happily crush his bones for you, master. I've been waiting for prey to succumb to my sadistic whims.

Lord Phantomhive paused, unsure of his next words. "The research you gave me into his background was... incomplete. I don't want anything to befall my fiancé. My orders are preventative."

The young master refused to indulge the matter any longer. I could tell something was bothering him, but he had yet to tell me. It seemed like it was time for more of my own research, however.


From the moment Mr. Blakely arrived, he was fixated on meeting Lady Bethany. He drew in an air of confidence around him, but even that didn't stop me from intimidating him. It was a game of cat and mouse; but who was the cat and who was the mouse?

"You must be Sebastian, Lord Phantomhive's butler. Pleasure to make your," he paused cautiously, extending one arm for a handshake, "acquaintance."

"Ah yes, and you must be Lord Blakely." I shook his hand firmly, almost crushing his bones. His look of discomfort was welcoming. It was a shame I couldn't toy with him.

"Come now! I am no lord; simply an apprentice." He shook my advances off with a warm smile, a warmth that I could steal in an instant.

"Surely you must be more than an apprentice if my Master Phantomhive heard of you. Don't be modest, sir." I bowed respectively and my hair fell forward with the shift in gravity, a small smirk teasing my face.

"Those are tales for another day." He dismissed me passively. "I seek the presence of Lord Phantomhive's fiancé, Lady Bethany." He took a step towards me.

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