[Tiny Interlude No. 4]

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86 year old Thomas Rosenbaum was rather suprised, and not a little confused, when, while going over his bank statements, he discovered that some strange sounding company had transferred exactly one penny to his account.

Attached to the payment was a jumbled up string of letters and numbers, that made not the least bit of sense.

After pondering the issue for some time, Thomas simply supposed that it must have been a clerical error of some sort, and that there was no need to call up his bank for a miss-send penny. He threw the statement out with the other trash the next day, and soon forgot about the incident.

Mr. Rosenbaum would have been very much suprised to learn, that several weeks later, he was the proud owner of a flat-rate contract for a mobile-phone, with unlimited high-speed internet access, free national phone calls and texts (29ct per minute for international calls, 59ct per international text-message, nano-sim and 24/7 service at no extra charge), paid for from his new paypal account, and all bills send to his e-mail address (Thom.Rose1234@gmail.ru).

But then, Mr. Rosenbaum did not own a computer, and woudn't have known what to do with one if he did, so he never found out.



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