Chapter 13

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Ben's POV

I walked downstairs and into my room, well old room now I guess and grabbed my stuff to take a shower. It felt weird coming in my room and taking a shower in my bathroom. I mean I know I've only been staying with James for about a week, but everything in his room and bathroom smells like doesn't in here. I know I sound really creepy but his scent is just so relaxing, also with me wearing his shirts I'm literally surrounded by his scent all day. I think he has some type of fetish for me wearing his clothes, I don't know.

After I take my shower I go back into my old room and pick out my clothes. I grab navy blue skinny jeans, a light grey t-shirt that is lose fitting but still snug. I notice I only have 15 minutes so I quickly do my hair, brush my teeth, and put deodorant and a vanilla and coconut body mist on. On my way out I grab my phone, wallet, and put on my light grey converse, I take one last look in the mirror and decide I look good so I leave before I change.

Once I shut my door I ran into a very muscular chest that sent tingles through my body. I stumbled a little but before I could fall down muscular arms pulled me back into the warm embrace of his chest. I let out a sigh and slowly relaxed into his chest, I mean it was just so warm and perfect.

"We should get going my parents are probably waiting." He whispered before grabbing my tiny hand in his huge one and walking away from my door. I realized there was a jacket in his hand that looked a little small for him but huge for it to be mine.

"W-why d-do you ha-a-ve a jack-e-et?" I asked as we got down stairs everyone was down there and looked at us as we walked down making me blush and James just smile.

"I want you to wear it because you'd probably refuse to wear my shirt out to dinner." He responded seriously looking at me.


"Because I want my scent on you."

"I-I-I um wel-l-l" I stuttered out not really getting a full sentence out.

"Please?" He questioned looking down at me with a slight puppy dog expression. I reluctantly agreed making him smile a 100-watt smile before putting the dress of a jacket on me. He beamed down at me before we both turned to see everyone staring at us trying to either contain their laughter or just smiling at us. I, of course, blushed and hid myself in James side while he just smiled at everyone and pulled me outside to his car. He had my dream car, a 1967 black Chevy Impala, I loved the car.

We both walked over to the car and got in before driving towards the restaurant. While driving there I took time to look at what he was wearing; a tight fitting forest green v-neck, black jeans that were hugging all the right places and black nikes. I absentmindedly snuggled up in the jacket more, I could have easily pulled my entire body in the jacket if I wanted. James grabbed my tiny hand in his huge warm one and continued to drive in comfortable silence.

After about a 15 minute drive we pulled up to a little Italian restaurant I've been to before with Alice and Cody. Everyone else pulled up to the restaurant a minute or two after we did. James jumped out of the car and ran to open my door for me making me blush. I took the jacket off earning a slight pout and whine from James, but I quickly reassured him it was just because I didn't want to look weird due to how big it was on me.

"Table for....8" James father (Corey) said to the hostess who wasn't a part of the pack so she was human. She just nodded before grabbing the menus and walking us towards our giant booth.

"Your waitress will be with you in a moment." She said after handing us our menus then walked away. I was sitting between James and Dom, James was on the outside of the booth across from his father with his dad next to him. The betas wife was sitting next to him and her husband next to her with Leo next to him and Dom. So altogether it went; James, me, Dom, Leo, the beta, the betas wife, James dad, and lastly James father.

A few minutes later out waitress came up to take our drink orders and she wasn't a part of the pack either. She was wearing way to much makeup and perfume so she looked like a clown. When she came back you could obviously tell she had pulled he top down to the point where her breasts were practically spilling out of the top.

"So what can I get you on this lovely night?" The slut of a waitress asked James after she took everyone else's orders; while twirling her hair and nearly suffocating him with her boobs.

"Um the spaghetti and meatballs with a side salad." He responded obviously uncomfortable. Kai was boiling with rage, and so was I. He's my mate and this slut was flirting with him.

"Is that all?" She asked trying to be flirt with him.

"Well he doesn't want herpes so you can leave now." I snapped, mumbling not to quietly making everyone look at me causing me to blush and cover my mouth with my hands. She just walked away swaying her hips. My face was red to the tips of my ears, I looked up and everyone through my eyelashes and could tell everyone was trying and failing miserably to contain their laughter.

"O-o-oh my.....wo-o-ow!" James stuttered out between his laughter. Everyone at the table was laughing, Leo hand his face buried in Dom's shoulder trying to be quieter. I continued to blush like crazy.

"S-s-s-shu-u-u-ut u-p-p" I stuttered, everyone just continued to laugh at me even while the waitress brought us out our food.

"Aww you were jealous." James cooed with a red face from laughter, I blushed more before everyone sobered up and started eating our dinner that came while everyone was laughing. Throughout dinner we had light conversations, everyone learned stuff about me and I learned more about everyone else. I wasn't stuttering as much once we all started talking making myself proud that I was getting comfortable with everyone. All of a sudden I got this sharp pain in my lower region along with me becoming painfully hard.

"J-J-J-James." I moaned out while latching onto his arm like it was a lifeline. Everyone started sniffing the air and looked at me when James stiffened.

"Get him out of here now! James control Axel Dom and Leo go with them get them back make sure they don't mate and get that necklace on him, he's in heat."


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