Chapter 22

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James POV

I was ecstatic that Ben said yes to going to prom with me. I had been planning and trying to brainstorm cute and memorable ways to ask without them being classic or boring. My parents helped me come up with how to ask him; I was going to ask him best friend Alice but her and her mate were extremely busy, I think they were trying to figure out stuff for their house and mating. She did say nothing to big because he would get embarrassed.

Right now we were driving home from the fair and Ben had fallen asleep. He looked adorable, he was wrapped in my jacket, I brought in case it cooled down, and was in a little ball on the seat. He was small enough that the jacket was more of a blanket and the seat was like a small bed.

The drive was about 45 minutes and Ben had passed out within the first ten. So I had 35 minutes to just be with my thoughts; that never was a good idea.

I quickly turned on the radio making sure to keep it quiet enough not to wake Ben, yet loud enough for me to focus on that. The drive was relaxing, and calming. It was nice to just drive well breathing in my mates scent as it mingled with mine.

As I pulled up to the driveway leading to the pack house a soft smile tugged at my lips. My parents, Leo, and Dom, and most likely even Leo's parents were all going to bombard us with questions as to how it went. Looking over at Ben I saw him stirring around a bit starting to wake up.

"Hey beautiful, we're home. Come on I'll carry you inside but my parents are going to want to know how it was." I said softly as we got closer and closer to the pack house. I looked over at Ben only to see him unbuckling his seatbelt and putting on my coat. Before he only had it laying on him in case I got cold and needed it I could take it; but even if I was frozen solid I wouldn't take my jacket off of him.

"Hmmmm," was he only response I got from him before he curled back up into a ball.

After another two minutes we finally pull up to the pack house. I looked over at Ben and saw he was still sleeping; so I shut the car off, got out, went over to the passenger side and pulled him into my arms. His eyes immediately flew open looking around, but when the landed to me he just smiled and rested his head on my shoulder. I grabbed the bear out of the back seat and wrapped it around Ben, so it looked like the bear was hugging Ben.

As we walked inside he pack house we were almost immediately swarmed by my parents, Leo, his parents, and Dom. 

"How'd it go?"

"Did he like it?"

"What was his answer?"

"Did you guys talk about colors?"

"Did he cry?"

"How much fun did you guys have?"

We were both bombarded with the same two questions just in different ways. Ben startled awake almost falling out of my arms in the process. The bear did fall down though so my dad picked it up handing it back to me.

"What the hell? You woke Ben up." I shouted at all of them. Ben put his face in my neck breathing in my scent.

"It's fine, r-really." He whispered calming me down a bit. Axel had been on edge lately because I haven't mated with Ben yet and you could visually start to see the changes. Like his hips, they were definitely more prominent and child-bearing like. You could see his curves had become more and more defined making it harder and harder to not pin him under me and take him.

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