Chapter 24

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James POV

To say Axel was under my skin, would be an understatement to say the least. I know the only reason he's so present and alert it because Ben and I haven't mated yet, and well, also because of the texts. And I know he won't force Ben to mate, but I also know that it's going to end up happening at some point in the near future. Very near future.

Right now we were all driving to this suit place to get out suits for prom. And I happy we're doing this, but I have no idea the type of suit I want or the color(s) we are going to pick.

I looked over at Ben and saw that he was staring out the window. I feel slightly bad to letting Axel out earlier. I mean he was rubbing ALL over Ben, but Ben didn't seem to mind. I know he's possessive, like really possessive, but he's definitely been closer to the surface and most present recently.

I hadn't even realized we made it to the suit shop until Ben was snapping in front of my face.

"Huh? Wh- oh." I snapped out of my thoughts. Looking over and seeing everyone else was out of the cars. I quickly got out along with Ben walking over to my parents.

"Cool we made it here about ten minutes early so let's get going." My dad enthusiastically said with a smile on his face.

If he's this excited about prom shopping, I don't even want to know what he'll be like going wedding shopping. I mind-linked Ben making him giggle through of link and out loud. My parents looked at him confused but Leo and Dom were to busy mind-linking each other to even notice.

"Leo get your ass over here!" I shouted in his ear making him jump, conveniently into Dom's arms. He turned his head to glare at me while I just laughed my ass off.

As we walked into the suit shop we were hit with the strong smell of leather and other fabrics. (An:// you know that like smell at clothing stores?) I looked around and saw a bunch of different suits, ties, shoes, and corsage pictures. I looked down at Ben and saw him looking around in amazement too.

"Sam? Corey! How are my favorite people ever? I was so excited when I saw you two were coming in." I high-pitched women's voice screeched. I looked over and saw a tall blonde women walking over to us with a smile on her face. She also had a guy with her that was a couple inches taller than her with brown hair.

"Jessie, Kevin, how are you?" My dad asked walking over to her and giving her a hug. He also gave the guy a hug followed by my father. All four of us had the same confused look on our faces. I had never heard of a Kevin or a Jessie and neither had Leo.

"I'm great, now who are these handsome boys?" Jessie asked looking back at us. We all smiled stiffly at her but she didn't seem to notice.

"This is my son James and his boyfriend Ben," he said pointing to us. Ben moved a bit closer to me causing her to 'awe'. "And this is my nephew and sons best friend Leo and his boyfriend Dom." He finished pointing to them.

"Guys this is Jessie and her husband Kevin they're some old friends of mine and Corey's." My dad introduced us with a smile on his face. I could tell neither of them were werewolves so that explains why my dad had said 'boyfriend' instead of 'mate' when introducing Ben and Dom.

"Today they're going to be helping you pick of suits for prom." My father said while a smile. We all nodded and looked at each other wondering what we were suppose to do.

"Okay I'll take James and Ben and Kevin can help Leo and Dom." Jessie explained walking away from us while motioning for us to follow. I grabbed Ben's hand and follow her while giving my parents a wearily look.

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