Chapter 26

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Ben's POV

"Wake up beautiful," I heard a heavenly, deep voice whisper in my ear before placing a soft kiss on my lips. My eyes slowing fluttered open only to be met with the most handsome sight. James hair was disheveled and he was hovering over me.

Seeing that I was awake he leaned down more and went in for a kiss, but I quickly scrunched up my nose and turned away.

"What was that for?" James asked sounding offended. I turned back towards him and pointed to his mouth making him 'ohhh'. I smiled and turned over on my side while snuggling back into the blankets. I was expecting him to get up and go brush his teeth but when I didn't feel his weight leave the bed I knew I was wrong.

All of a sudden I felt feather-like kisses being placed on the back of my neck making me wide awake. He slowly made his way around my neck and all along my neck and shoulder area. I had moved my hand so it was covering my mouth as I tried to keep every moan and sound in.

"You have no idea how bad I want to devour your body. Every little thing you do sets me off. The way you walk, talk, laugh, even the way you simply act tests my resistance. I want to completely take you." James sinfully whispered in my ear causing my boy parts to harden. I knew that if I didn't have this necklace on I would have been producing slick.

I let out a whimper as I pushed myself further back into James body. James arms wrapped around my waist as he let out a soft growl. He continued to trail kisses all along my neck and shoulder. I tried to keep every moan and whimper in but a few slipped out. All of a sudden I was flipped onto my back with James settled between my legs.

I threaded my hands through his dark hair and used it to smash our lips together. He let out a deep groan as he wrapped his arms around my waist completely.

We continued this make-out session until an alarm went off scaring both of us. James quickly removed one of his hands from my butt and hit the alarm clock, breaking it. He looked back down at me with a smile plastered on his face.

"We need to go to school. I would totally suggest skipping but we have exams this week. And then, we're done." I smiled shyly back and quickly shimmed out from under him. I heard a deep chuckle come from behind me as I made my way into the closet to pick out my outfit. I heard the bathroom door shut a minute later.

I decided on a pair of navy skinny jeans and a light grey shirt with navy blue sleeves and front pocket. I walked out of the closet and James walked out of the bathroom a minute later. We switched places with him giving me a kiss on the forehead before going into the closet, and me to the bathroom.

After I had finished everything I needed to in the bathroom I walked out and saw James picking up our bags.

"So Jordan is starting school today. You'll meet him downstairs if you don't already know who he is." He told me while turning to face me. I smiled up at him as we walked downstairs hand in hand.

I know why he wanted me to have someone with me at all times, but I just don't think it was really necessary. I mean we only have one week left of school and we're just going to have exams. Since we're seniors and we're graduating in just under two weeks this was our last week of school. And starting tomorrow everyday is a half-day. And Friday is a half-day for the entire school.

"Hey Jordan." I heard James greet breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up and saw a guy with long brown hair styled similar to James, but more up because he had more hair. He was slightly tanned and had a bit of scuff, he wasn't his ugly, just not...James.

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