Chapter 37: I'm Obviously A Girl. But none of you idiots have to know that...

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“What’d you get for question number 12?” Aaron asked me, peering over my shoulder intently. I inched further away from him, closing my workbook halfway.

“What did you get?” I asked him slyly, raising my eyebrow.

He looked at me, embarrassed, “Uh…I got C.”

“C? How did you get that?” I barked, stealing away his notebook, checking over his work quickly. I sighed, “You did it wrong right here.”

He looked at where my index finger was pointing, “But that’s the question.” He pointed out plainly.

“No duh. You wrote it wrong. It’s ‘5x-3 910x’ not ‘12x-3 910x.’” I sighed, pushing away his workbook.

He looked at his work dumbly. “Oh.” He said softly, realizing his own stupidity. “Well…I knew that.” Aaron scoffed, rolling his eyes.

I sighed, “Interesting.” I said sarcastically, gathering all of my books together in a pile. “Anyway, I’d better be going.” I told him, shoveling my books into my bag.

He looked up from his work and back to me, his big brown eyes confused, “Huh? Why?” He questioned curiously.

I ran a hand through my shaggy hair, “I’m going to go back to my dorm and study on my own.” I told him, throwing my book bag over my shoulder.

He nodded, shrugging, “Whatever floats your boat.” He told me, grinning.

I grinned back at him, “Alright. See you later, Aaron.”

“See you, Sam.” Aaron waved as I walked quietly out of the library.

Once I exited the double doors from the library, I sped down the corridor leading outside. I was hoping to make it through the long walk through the campus without bumping into Kale. I still hadn’t decided what I’d do; after he dropped the bomb on me yesterday, I wasn’t sure of much anymore. I had trouble focusing in class and I found myself drowsing off in the middle of Mr. Ferguson’s lesson because I was up all night the previous night thinking about what to do. I had barely averted Kale in the classes I had with him, and in all the classes I had with Alex, it almost seemed as if he was the one wanting to avert me. And in gym, when I did see him, he was pissed off. He was throwing things left and right, so much so that our teacher had to send him to the Headmaster’s office. He didn’t leave without sparing me a guilty glance, though. Was he really that mad at me for even considering this? I mean, I knew that he and Kale didn’t see eye to eye, but why did he have to go back to ignoring me? I wanted to talk to him and set the record straight. He was my best friend; I at least owed him that much.

I looked around the side of long corridor before passing down it, weaving through the mobs of guys scattered across the hallways. I went down the last corridor that would lead me back to my room when I felt a grin cross my face. I almost couldn’t contain myself from charging for him, so instead my lips tore open and a name escaped my mouth.


~*Alex’s POV*~

I'm Obviously A Girl. But none of you idiots have to know that...Where stories live. Discover now