Chapter One ☼ Control

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Goddamn right
You should be scared of me
Who is in control?
-Halsey / Control

"Where'd this scar come from, He Tian?" painted fingernails tapped over a raised pink line standing out again the muscled, lightly bronzed skin of He Tian's arm.

The raven haired boy flashed a toothy grin to the girls surrounding him, "Shattered my radius on the grille of a moving car."

At that, the flock of females all squealed, covering their mouths in faux horror. Yet, as the final bell rang, they giggled and said their goodbyes before coyly dashing off. A massive relief to He Tian, who had simply been trying to sneak outside to catch a quick cigarette break without being interrupted.

He made his way out of the quickly emptying halls and out into the courtyard, crisp fall air nipping at his skin pleasingly. It made him slow his pace considerably, breathing the air in to feel the sharpness of it in his throat, but a sudden glimpse of pale blond hair made him speed up once more.

"Hello, asshole!" he exclaimed as he finally caught up with his target, throwing an arm around the boy's neck and yanking him to his side.

With a flailing of lanky limbs, Jian Yi nearly smacked He Tian in the face, "What the fuck-"

"Have you missed me?" He Tian laughed, pushing aside Jian Yi's protesting hands and holding tighter as he tried to escape.

"Don't just grab someone by the throat, bastard, unless you want a bruised dick!" Jian Yi screeched. "Let go of me, I have clean up duty with Zhengxi."

"Since when do you willingly go to clean up duty? I have it as well, but I've got better plans."

Jian Yi finally managed to pull himself from He Tian's grip, scowling with his hair, jacket, and shirt all rumpled from rough housing, "I promised Zhengxi, so fuck off. You know I hate being grabbed like that."

"Would you prefer I grab you here?" He Tian reached for Jian Yi's ass.

"Jian Yi."

As always, Jian Yi's knight in shining armor came to ruin He Tian's fun. Zhan Zheng Xi, Jian Yi's best friend and obvious (to everyone but Zhan Zheng Xi) true love.

"I'll knee you in the balls next time!" Jian Yi declared, but Zhan Zheng Xi held him back by the sleeve of his jacket.

"Chill out, why are you all hyped up," Zhan Zheng Xi adjusted his hold on Jian Yi. "You weren't trying to get out of clean up duty again, were you?"

Jian Yi hid himself behind Zhan Zheng Xi despite being slightly taller, light blond meshing with dark blond, "No, I was coming to find you when this fucker tried mauling me."

Zhan Zheng Xi remained passive as always, "Are you joining us for clean up duty, He Tian?"

He Tian shook his head, wiggling his eyebrows at Jian Yi once more to make him fume further,  "Nah, I've got dinner plans."

"We'll see you around then."

Zhan Zheng Xi began tugging Jian Yi along, ignoring the taller blond as he gave He Tian the finger, "Or we won't because he's a dick-"

It always brightened He Tian's day to piss off Jian Yi, simply because Jian Yi wasn't terrified of him like most people were. He would actually engage in banter, would stand his ground and puff himself up despite being far shorter and far more lacking of body strength.

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