Chapter 7 ☼ Hurricane

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Oh, baby, beggin' you to save me
Well lately, I like 'em crazy
Oh, and baby, you could devastate me
-Halsey / Hurricane

Hong Fa didn't see He Tian until after school. He was stupidly furious still, standing in the courtyard with his "friends" as they talked about random models. He had no mind for it at all, zero interest in the random women they discussed. Rather, his mind kept flickering to He Tian's smug smile. Or the way He Tian's hands had felt as they gently patched up Hong Fa's throat.

He had certainly been asked about the decent sized cut on his throat. Several of his posse had tried to prod at it, and he promptly had punched them. It wasn't anyone's fucking business.

"Why is he coming over here," a shaved head boy named Ren, one of the most obnoxious of the group Hong Fa stayed around, suddenly sneered. It pulled Hong Fa from his thoughts, and he turned to see He Tian making his way over.

"How's it going, fellas?" He Tian's hands were shoved in his pockets, and he wasn't looking at the others despite speaking to them. His gaze was set firmly on Hong Fa.

"Get lost," Ren scoffed. If Hong Fa remembered correctly, he'd been at the lunch table when He Tian had sent everyone scattering.

With a simple large hand over Ren's face, He Tian pushed the boy aside, "I'm just here for Carrot Head."

The other's backed off instantly, but Ren had turned a bright shade of red. He Tian wasn't paying any attention to the fact that Ren was reeling his fist back behind He Tian. He Tian was far too busy stepping towards Hong Fa, but Hong Fa saw.

He strode forward, his own fist forming tightly. He Tian looked mildly surprised, lifting up a hand in confusion. Hong Fa ducked around He Tian, however, driving his fist into Ren's stomach at the same time Ren's fist nearly connected with He Tian's head.

He Tian turned in surprise, "Oh. That's interesting. Are you ready to go, Carrot Head, or are you staying to play longer?"

Hong Fa angrily fixed his backpack onto his shoulders, grabbing He Tian's arm and marching away. The group of boy's behind him were left staring in shock as He Tian allowed himself to be pulled along, pleasantly waving goodbye to them.

As they exited the school gates, Hong Fa released He Tian, "I just saved your skull, you know."

"Thanks," He Tian said absentmindedly. "I'm a bit distracted at the moment."

He Tian moved to run a hand through his hair, and that's when Hong Fa noticed. Blood. Blood covered the back of He Tian's hand, coated his knuckles. Hong Fa seized He Tian's wrist without a second thought, yanking it closer to himself.

"What the fuck?" Hong Fa hissed. "What did you do?"

He Tian not so gently pulled his hand back, "Its my own blood, chill out."

"That doesn't make it better!"

"Just letting you know I didn't kill anyone," He Tian mumbled. Hong Fa realized the boy was looking around anxiously as they walked. He was more than distracted. Something was wrong.

Hong Fa stopped He Tian with a hand on the boy's firm chest. Beneath his hand, He Tian was trembling. Something was more than wrong.

"You're shaking," Hong Fa croaked. He didn't remove his hand from He Tian's chest.

"Well what'd'ya know?" He Tian said quietly. "I am."

All fake smiles were gone. He Tian's eyes looked dull, lifeless. And Hong Fa hated it.

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